What Is a Good dBm for WiFi? How to Measure dBm Signal Strength WiFi?

Oct 14, 2022 - Views: 3924

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A good dBm helps the WiFi signal measurement be more accurate. What is a good dBm for WiFi? How can it be applied to wireless signals? How to accurately assess signal strength using your phone's settings or a simple app. Let’s find the answers in this article.

What is dBm in WiFi? What is dBm in WiFi? 

What is a WiFi signal?

WiFi signals are a kind of electromagnetic (EM) wavelengths transmitted in the air called radio waves.

For this reason, radio frequency (RF) transmissions are another name for WiFi signals.

They are the electromagnetic spectrum's lowest frequency waves, which are invisible, the size of skyscrapers, and they move at almost the speed of light.

Nevertheless, because radio waves are non-directional, their motions resemble pond ripples rather than the laser beams in a Star Wars film.

WiFi signal

WiFi signal

What Is dBm WiFi? 

dBm WiFi signal strength (decibels per milliwatt) refers to a specific measurement of power. 

It is used to define the signal strength of radio frequencies in a wireless network. 

dBm is a unit of measurement used to quantify very low values. Its formula is 10 x log dBm (signal strength per milliwatts). 

Signal intensity is measured in decibels (dBm), the most precise measurement available.

Related: What is WiFi?

The meaning of WiFi signal strength dBm

The meaning of WiFi signal strength dBm

What Is a Good dBm for WiFi?

Wonder “what is good WiFi signal strength in dBm?”

Depending on your proximity to the access point, the optimal WiFi dBm signal strength ranges from -55 dBm to -70 dBm.

See this table for further information!

Signal strength

Quality to expect

-30 dBm

Maximum signal strength, it is likely that you are standing directly in front of the router or access point.

-50 dBm

Below this threshold, any signal strength is considered exceptional.

-60 dBm

The signal strength is strong and consistent.

-67 dBm

This is the minimal value for all services that need consistent and dependable data transmission.

-70 dBm

While not extremely powerful, the signal is largely enough.

-80 dBm

The very minimum needed to establish a connection. You cannot rely on a stable connection or strong enough signal to utilize services at this level.

-90 dBm

With this signal strength, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to connect or utilize any services.

How to Measure WiFi Signal Strength?

A WiFi signal may be measured in a number of ways. 

Milliwatts (mW) is the most exact measurement, but due to the number of decimal places (0.0001 mW), it is also the most difficult to read. 

Another alternative is the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), however, WiFi businesses handle it differently and on different scales.

These issues are avoided when measuring in decibels relative to milliwatts (dBm), and many manufacturers still convert RSSI to dBm.

How to check your WiFi signal strength?

How to check your WiFi signal strength?

Negative values will be displayed for dBm readings, as the table above illustrates.

You have a "perfect connection," for instance, you are probably standing close to the WiFi router if you notice -30. 

You may use the Airport Utility App for iPhone and iPad or WiFi Analyzer for Android to measure the strength of the WiFi signal on your phone or tablet. 

Both are user-friendly and provide information regarding nearby wireless networks.

Read more:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How to improve my dBm WiFi signal?
There are several methods you can try to improve wireless signal strength, such as limiting interference, restarting your router, trying 5GHz, etc.
What is a good WiFi signal strength in Mbps?
For homes with frequent internet use, the majority of experts advise at least a 100 Mbps Internet connection.
Why is my dBm so low?
Slower WiFi results from a lower data rate as you get further away from your router or access point.


This article helps you understand What is a good dBm for WiFi? dBm measures the WiFi signal to allow you to find the best solution for your WiFi improvement. The signal gets stronger as its value gets closer to 0.

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  1. user_avatar


    What software/hardware was used to analyze dBm shown in the picture?

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