10+ Business Ideas for Women At Home in India 2021

Jun 01, 2021 - Views: 2592

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes

Not only due to the Covid-19 but also economical market force women to think about earning money. Especially these business ideas will be useful for housewives. Apart from the household job, women can conduct some of their own business to make more money. Here is the list of 10+ business ideas for women at home in India 2021.

Business Ideas for Women At Home

10+ Business Ideas for Women At Home in india 2021

Internet speed test

The digital era has made huge breakthroughs and the invention of the Internet promotes the quality of our life very much. Nowadays, with the help of the Internet, we can do nearly all things from entertainment to working. As a result, if housewives want to increase income, making money online is one of the most effective ways for them. 

So that, Internet connect plays an important role in this circumstance. Does your internet network slow down? Is it enough for you to do everything online? How to test internet speed at home? Let’s check it out with a reliable internet speed test - MySpeed.

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Reliable internet speed test - MySpeed

This tool measures your network connection through 3 parameters: ping, upload speed, and download speed. Thus, you can know the current internet status and do some improvements when necessary. 

See also: Free Speed Test Wifi within a Few Seconds

It is also easy to use this tool due to its simple interface. You just follow these steps to conduct the testing:

Step 1: Visit the website https://gospeedcheck.com/

Step 2: Click the “Go” button to start the test

Step 3: Wait some seconds for the testing results.

This fast-speed test can run on laptops, PC and mobile devices. You will not need to install any software to conduct it. 

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Test internet speed on laptop, PC and mobile devices

See also:

Test your career interest

After you make sure to have a stable internet connection, you need to ask yourself some questions below to select a business that best suits your situation.

  • What you need out of the business?

  • What do you like to do?

  • What are you good at?

  • What would you like to learn?

What do you require from the business? This question is similar to “ are you seeking a second source of income, are you quitting your work to remain at home with your children, do you want to contribute to society, or do you want to be a sole entrepreneur?

What do you like to do? Choose an area of interest in which you have a strong interest. Starting your own business will take a significant amount of time, work, and even sacrifice.

Business Ideas for Women At Home

What job can i do from home

What are you good at? If you are a singer, artist, or photographer, your abilities may be clear to you, and you may already have a job. And perhaps you have a hobby, such as a candle making, painting, or quilting, that you believe you might sell. All you have to do is figure out what your strengths are.

What would you like to learn? Sometimes the things that pique our curiosity are the ones we have yet to learn. It is never too late to learn a new talent or improve an existing one, and it is never too late to start a business if you have the desire or marketable expertise.

10+ Business Ideas for Women At Home in India 2021

Now, you are a person who has been out of work or must work from home due to the Covid-19 or simply, housewives want to earn more money, here is the list of business ideas you can choose.

  • Blogging

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Freelance Writing

  • Proofreader

  • Bookkeeper

  • Social media influencer

  • Sell on Amazon

  • Life Coach

  • Transcription

  • Photography …..

  1. Blogging

Blogging is always one of the best business ideas for women at home. The good news is that you can work as many hours as you like. All you need to do is create a website and publish articles on anything that interests you. You will begin earning whenever you are able to bring in a certain number of readers each month. People get paid to do this, and it is a fantastic concept. You may create a blog based on your interests, such as cuisine blogging, travel blogging, beauty blogging, photography blogging, and child care blogging, among others. Bloggers earn between $1,000 and $10,000 per month.

Blogging is a fantastic business concept because you learn so many skills. For example, you can know how to build a WordPress website, write, study search engine optimization, social networking, and so much more.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based advertising in which a firm pays third-party publishers to produce traffic or leads to its products and services. The third-party affiliate merely searches for a product, advertises it, and receives a percentage of the earnings from each sale made by the brand. 

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Affiliate marketing to make money online

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common methods for people to generate money online these days, and it can be a passive income once established. Affiliate marketing may earn you over USD 50,000 per year. If you have a lot of friends, let’s recommend different products or places to them? Well, now you can get paid for it!

  1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is an on-trend career when a person works but is not tied by any corporation or company. Freelance writers will offer contents that satisfied their clients’ requirements while working from home or leasing office space. Housewives or normal women can write content in their free time to earn more money to pay the bills. Depends on his/her writing ability, a freelance writer's annual income ranges from USD 24,000 to USD 115,000. There are a lot of content groups on Facebook, housewives can join, learn from experience and cooperate with someone who wants to hire a content creator. 

  1. Proofreader jobs

A proofreader verifies that written text is free of flaws such as typos, grammatical mistakes, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and formatting. The proofreader uses his or her background( ability, knowledge, and experience) to ensure that the work of the author, editor, and designer/typesetter is adequate and good in the format. People want to be certain that their content is error-free, so they hire a professional proofreader. A proofreader might earn anything from USD 25 to USD 44 per hour.

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Proofreader online job

  1. Bookkeeper

Bookkeeping is the recording of any financial transactions and is a component of the accounting process in any firm. Purchases, sales, receipts, and payments made by an individual or an organization/corporation are examples of transactions. The bookkeeper gets the books to the trial balance stage, and an accountant can use the trial balance and ledgers created by the bookkeeper to construct the income statement and balance sheet. Bookkeepers earn at least USD 54,000 per year.

  1. Social media influencer

A Social Media Influencer is a person who has developed a reputation in a given field via their usage of social media. A social media influencer has access to a big number of people and has the ability to persuade others due to their authenticity and reach. 

They accomplish this by keeping an active online presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and numerous blogs. Social media influencers make an average of $1,000 per 100,000 followers. Moreover, live streaming platforms are also common choices because of a large number of donations from fans. 

In this serious Covid-19 time, Youtube videos with interesting content are welcomed by billions of users all over the world. Furthermore, there is a significant movement from photos to video in the digital era, as a result, Youtuber becomes on-trend job without limitation of age. Even many people quit a job and chase Youtuber as the main income. 

 See also:

  1. Sell on Amazon

Amazon is a platform that allows everyone to build an online store. Even though it appears to be a difficult task, it is uncomplicated and easy. You may get remarkable cheap prices on things in physical stores and resale them on Amazon for a greater price. Online sales revenue has continuing to rise dramatically. Amazon merchants earn around USD 10 million each year. 

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Sell products online on amazon

  1. Life Coach

Do you love assisting others? If you answered yes, you may be interested in becoming a life coach. The stress that everyone faces on a daily basis can be overwhelming. For other people, the loads grow too heavy on their shoulders, causing major emotional problems. People can benefit from life coaching. You can earn more money if you are a qualified life coach. As a life coach, you may charge between USD 70 and USD 260.

  1. Transcription

Transcription is a document that is made by transcribing everything that is heard from an audio or video recording. There are several methods for transcribing audio or video footage, and there are several reasons why you would require transcription of the document. Transcription for subtitling work is typically significantly more time-consuming, as time-codes must be documented in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, and the transcriber must provide adequate time for the spectator to read each subtitle on screen. A transcriptionist often makes between USD 15 and USD 20 per hour.

  1. Photography

If you enjoy photography, it is something that may pay off dramatically. You may begin by purchasing a camera and accessories. When you first start out in business, you'll need to create a portfolio. Selecting a topic you passionate about and taking photos of. They can be foods, skies, or even your kids, etc. You may earn some money for your photographs by submitting them to publications or uploading them to websites. Professional photographers may expect to make around USD 28,000 per year.

Business Ideas for Women At Home

Photography earn money online

See also: How to promote my business online for free in India 2021?

Final words

To sum up, there are a lot of business ideas for women at home. You can pick one of these above suggestions to conduct your own enterprise. However, at first, you should run the to make your network connection good enough to do everything online.

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