Unexpected reasons for poor speed check Wifi result

Oct 12, 2020 - Views: 2733

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Conducting the speed check Wifi and getting the poor results, you realize that you are experiencing slow internet speed. Slow network is a common case during internet usage. This is an issue that disrupts network users making internet access more difficult. This makes the user feel very uncomfortable and inhibited. There are many causes of slow networks and soon we will find out about unexpected causes to know your home network is meeting the problem.


Speed check Wifi

Once the internet speed seems slow and laggy, the first thing people think immediately is using the speed check Wifi. This is the quickest, most convenient way to check network performance in order to the current situation of your Wifi.

Speed test internet tools test speed of network connection through 3 small tests: ping, download and upload speed. With these 3 test results, we can know how fast your Wifi is, the speed is good enough for gaming, working or learning online. 


Speed check Wifi tools test speed of network connection through 3 small tests: ping, download and upload speed

So, what do 3 parameters measure? The ping is the reaction time when your connection takes a response after you have sent a request. Measurement of the ping is milliseconds (ms). The lower the ping is, the quicker the response time is.

The download speed is the time how long you can take data from the server to your device. Download speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Some download activities are downloading files, streaming videos or watching videos.

On the other hand, the upload speed is how fast you send data from you to others. Upload speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Some upload activities are sending photos, documents or video calls. 

Depending on the next online activities you are going to do, see the results of 3 small tests, you can know your internet speed is fast enough. For example, you are going to play PlayStation games, you should consider the ping test carefully. Watching films on Netflix  takes download data, therefore, the download speed should be concerned. 


Watching films on Netflix takes download data, therefore, the download speed result of the speed check Wifi should be concerned.

6 reasons slow down Wifi

Tested by the speed check Wifi, your Wifi is performing badly. Do you know what problems you are facing? Research the reasons for slow down Wifi, you will be surprised by these below reasons. 

Internet service providers

Internet error from ISP ( Internet service providers) is an objective reason because they will not want this thing to their customers. The error from ISP mainly is that the transmission lines have problems. They may be due to stormy weather, the cable is broken, the signal box is burnt, the transmission line is cut ... These things make the Wifi signal slow or disconnect.


You can fix some Wifi problems by learning solutions on Google

There are some problems you can do yourself by learning solutions on Google. If not, it is necessary to provide information immediately to the supplier so that they can quickly notify the technical staff to handle it promptly.

Broken marine optical cable

AAG and APG submarine fiber optic cables are one of the largest fiber optic lines that networks in America or Southeast Asia countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia are using a lot. If this fiber optic cable is affected, it will affect all internet connections in the whole country, not just an individual. With this error, the speed check Wifi will be so bad. You can meet the situation of a laggy, slow loading page or not send a photo. 


Breaking the submarine optical cable, the speed check Wifi will be so bad

Breaking the submarine optical cable has caused the internet to be interrupted, especially since 2017 there have been many cases of fiber optic cable breakage for many different reasons such as due to sharps. And solving this problem is only possible with the help of the suppliers who try their best to fix it. In addition, you can visit foreign websites to temporarily improve your visibility.

Your device is faulty or virus

Faulty connected devices or viruses are the subjective cause of the slow network. Accidentally, the user was not careful when clicking strange links, websites containing viruses, so the computer or phone used to be infected with a virus or an error. This made the device slow and made the access become much slower. The speed check Wifi result is bad and you do not know the reason. That time, you should think about this reason.


The speed check Wifi result is bad, maybe your devices is infected with a virus or an error

If you want to handle this situation, please install the most professional antivirus software available today to destroy all malicious things in your computer. Such as: Bkav, Kaspersky,etc.

In addition, you can set up and install a firewall system to help your device avoid the attack of viruses from outside the internet.

If your computer has an error that causes slow operation of the computer, and internet access is also affected, reinstall the computer's system, reinstall the program to make it run faster.

Modem device error

When using the internet, the situation often occurring is modem device error. When the connection to the modem is fluttering, and is being slower than usual, conduct the speed check Wifi  and get a bad result,  you should notice this. 

Touching the modem and feeling it very hot, you should repair it immediately. If not, the device will freeze, reduce network access performance and will lead to no longer providing internet.


Conduct the speed check Wifi  and get a bad result,  you should notice the modem error

To fix this, you should regularly restart Modem every 2 days to work better. It will be less likely to overload the modem, causing constant network drops. But if you turn it off and on without improving the situation, quickly contact the supplier to fix it right away!

Some websites are blocked or have speed restrictions

Currently, there are some websites that limit the speed of access or are blocked by the network operator on some websites, causing the access speed to slow down. For example, some popular websites today such as: Facebook, 4share ... Running the speed check Wifi, after getting the result, users can know that is the reason when comparing visiting with other websites.

Traffic overload

Too many people using the same Wifi will make the internet congested, laggy. This situation often occurred in public places like restaurants, supermarkets, cafes, etc. Even if you connected to the Wifi but you can not do anything on the internet. Because depending on the package you use, there will be a limit for how many devices can access at the same time. You can check by running the speed check Wifi to measure the current speed. After that, turning off some unnecessary devices connecting to Wifi and the do the test again. You will see the difference. 


You can run the speed check Wifi to measure the current speed to compare before and  after turning off unnecessary devices


Conducting the speed check Wifi once you realize the slow internet speed. After that, you can consider the unexpected above reasons to fix the problem. Apart from, you can read more other reasons affecting your internet speed in Top 5 Things affect internet speed

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