Bell Equipment Return: 6 Simple Steps to Get a Free Device Return

Nov 10, 2022 - Views: 5575

Rating:4.6 - 51Votes

Bell is a Canadian telecommunications company that offers telephone and internet services.

But, there are many reasons leading to Bell equipment return.

Despite that, many people still find the returning process difficult and too complex. But is that true?

No, it is very easy, instead. If you do not believe us, check out our instructions below! 

 How to return Bell equipment?

A full guide on Bell return modem

When do I need Bell equipment return?

Returning network equipment is normal practice throughout the industry, which  is especially true for businesses who rent out their equipment.

You wish to return your modem for a variety of reasons. For starters, Bell provides refunds if you return their modem after canceling.

Here are some of the reasons for Bell residential returns.

 Reasons to return Bell modem

Reasons to return Bell modem

Service cancellation

Are you switching providers or disconnecting your Internet?

If this is the case, you must return your Bell modem in order to receive a refund on your final bill.

Replace malfunctioning modem

Your modem may fail due to hardware faults.

If this is the case, you must return your old modem so that it may be replaced.

Trade for the latest equipment

If you have an old modem, you should trade it in for a new one.

For an optimal result, it is suggested that you upgrade your modem every three years and run a Wifi speed test reguarly to check its performance.

You may return Bell modem for a new one

Electronic recycling

Bell is aware of the environmental impact of obsolete equipment. So if you have old modems laying around, you can recycle them.

These are the main reasons you want to return your modem. 

Let's get started on how to return Bell internet modem so you can get it over with.

How to return Bell equipment?

To return Cincinnati Bell equipment, you will need to perform a number of things. It's time to acquire the step-by-step instructions.

 A Bell modem return tutorial

A Bell modem return tutorial

Cancel Bell internet services

For a Bell residential return, you should first cancel Bell internet services. 

If Bell has confirmed that you intend to return the modem and have already canceled your services, you may proceed.

On the other hand, if you are not canceling your services and would like to replace your old Bell modem, it is mandatory to contact Bell and let them know. 

So, what is Bell equipment return contact number? Well, it will differ depending on the service you intend to discontinue.

Here's what you will need:


Bell’s contact number

Bell Mobility service after it’s been activated


Bell Home phone service after it’s been activated

1 866 310-BELL (310-2355)

Bell Internet service after it’s been activated

310-SURF (7873)

Bell Satellite TV service

1-888 SKY DISH (759-3474)

So, after you receive a signal from Bell, proceed to the next steps for Bellresidential

Visit Bell equipment return portal

After you've confirmed that you can make a Cincinnati Bell return equipment, go to the Bell equipment or modem return portal.

To return the modem, you will need to fill out an online form.

Once you have completed it, the Bell will send you a postage-paid label to place on the return equipment package. 

You won't have to pay for shipping or the shipment procedure this way. 

It will be provided at no cost. 

You will not have to pay anything because the shipping method is free, and you may be eligible for a refund from Bell after returning the modem.

Bell equipment return portal

The Bell Equipment Return Portal at Bell residential can be accessed as follows:

  • Go to the Bell Equipment Return Portal on your browser

  • Check the Fibe Internet box and click Continue

  • Fill in the form using your Fibe Internet User ID

  • Choose Confirm and submit

  • Save the postage-paid return label for printing

Pack your modem

Once you fill out the Bell return equipment form, it's time to pack your modem. 

Chances are  you don't worry about how you pack your modem for the return after terminating your Bell services. 

However, you should pay special attention to it.

While the shipping procedure will be free, if you have not adequately packed your modem for the return and it becomes damaged, Bell will charge you. 

As a result, packing your modem and other accessories is one of the most important tasks in ensuring that they arrive securely at Bell's doorstep.

Here's how to properly pack your modem for Bell returns shipping:

  • Get your modem issued by Bell

  • Fill a box with flaps with this equipment

  • Make use of cushioning materials such as bubble wrap or foam fillers

  • Close the box and tape it shut with strong tape

While packing your modem, ensure it's well-padded and stays put within the box.

Its purpose is to prevent needless damage to the equipment during shipping.

Pack your modem

Include other equipment to return

Before you close your box, include any additional equipment that came with your Internet service.

It's likely that you have Fibe TV in addition to your Internet service. If this is the case, you should also bring receivers and other accessories.

If you terminate your account, you must return the following Bell equipment:

 Things to return with Bell modem

Things to return with Bell modem

If you are returning a modem or other piece of equipment for replacement, you can only pack that in your package.

However, don't forget to include the connections and cables that came with it.

Paste your return label

So you've carefully put the modem and any accessories that came with it in the box. 

The Bell equipment return label will be applied to the box next, which you will receive the prepaid Bell return label after completing the form. 

Remove the old labels from the box and replace them with the prepaid return label printed from the Bell equipment portal.

The complete instructions are as follows:

  • Use the Equipment Return Portal to print your return label

  • Remove any old shipping from your box

  • Attach the label to the box's side

  • Clear shipping tape or a pouch can be used

Paste the label on the box

Drop the package

So you've completed everything and finished each step on how to return Bell modem. 

Lastly, drop your package off at authorized Bell stores. 

Return Bell equipment to store is simple because their shipping partners are simply around the corner.

But where to return Bell modem? Search for Purolator drop-off points in your area.

  • You can schedule a pick-up by calling the number listed on your shipping label.

  • You can also deliver your package to a Canada Post location.

  • Please be patient as shipping may take 7 to 10 days.

After your equipment gets at the warehouse, the process will begin, and your refund may not appear immediately.

Although sending you a return address is considerably easier, Bell employs this technique so your modem may be monitored and linked to your account.

Bell equipment return locations

Can Bell charge a cancellation fee?

Your last bill will be mailed to you within 40 days of Bell cancellation. The following items may be included in your final bill:

  • Final regular monthly charges

If you or Bell discontinue your service in the middle of a billing period, you will get a prorated refund for monthly fees incurred at the start of the billing period.

It applies to the time after the termination of your services.

  • Early cancellation fees (if applicable)

If you terminate your Bell services while you are still under contract, you may be charged an early cancellation fee. 

The fee is determined by the provider and will be applied to your final bill.

Bell may charge you early cancellation fees

Read more:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it compulsory to cancel Internet service before Bell equipment returns?

Absolutely, you must discontinue your Bell internet service before returning Bell equipment

As Bell confirms the return, you can proceed with the return process.

Do you need to pay for the shipping process for Bell equipment return?

The answer is no. The shipping will be free of charge. You do not have to pay anything for shipping. 

However, you must be cautious when packing your modem for return to avoid damage penalties.

When do I need to return my Bell equipment?

Visit if you want to return your equipment before obtaining the shipping label or if the label does not come within 10 working days. 

If you do not return the equipment or send it damaged, Bell can charge you a non-return fee for the equipment.


Returning Bell equipment is quite simple and easy, right? To return the Bell modem, you must cancel your Bell internet service. You can continue with the instructions once Bell confirms your return. To begin the return procedure, fill out the Bell equipment return form. Shipping will be free, but you must pack your modem carefully to prevent damage costs from Bell and receive a refund.

Rating:4.6 - 51Votes
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    Ian Fraser Jordan

    It did the same for me, trying to return a satellite box and all I have is my one account number but off course its the wrong format.

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      You had better contact Bell Customer Support for further information

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    Robert Crooks

    The return form asks for separate account numbers for internet and TV. We get one bill for everything, but when I put that in the form, it rejects it as having the wrong format! Very frustrating.

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      Call Bell's support for a help

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