Why is my download speed so slow on PS4? Detailed answers [2022]

Apr 22, 2022 - Views: 2599

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes

Slow download speed hasn’t been strange to many PS4 users. 

So what are the main factors causing this trouble, why is my download speed so slow on ps4

Have a look at this article, you may pick up some simple steps to improve your situation.

Let’s check it out!

Why is my download speed so slow on ps4?

Why is my download speed so slow on ps4?

What is PS4?

Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation 4 is a home console

It allows you to play games on your television. 

In order to play games, you must first enter the appropriate game disk into the console. 

For frequent updates of the console's system software and the games you want to play on it, you'll need a good Internet connection. 

A home console PS4

A home console PS4

Why is my download speed so slow on ps4?

The most common question we’ve received recently is “why is my ps4 download speed so slow?”

Causes of slow download speed could be various: From low bandwidth, poor connection, multiple downloads installed at once, to your older router/device.

Let’s get the details!

Low bandwidth

It could be caused by your current broadband's Mbps rate.

Alternatively, it can be slowed down by too many users connected to the network, and in certain situations, to your device.

Low bandwidth is troublesome

Low bandwidth is troublesome

Poor connection

Poor network quality can be caused by a variety of factors, including

  • Congestion on the network

  • Too much traffic overloading routers and other network infrastructure

This might happen on your personal network, your ISP's network, or your company's local area network (LAN).

Poor Internet network

Poor Internet network

Multiple downloads installed at once

When you only download a single file, your Internet connection will utilize 4 Mbps. 

If you start downloading many files at once, your download speed will be divided among the other files. 

Both your game and the download will be slowed.

Avoid multiple downloads

Avoid multiple downloads

Downloading to an external drive vs internal

Your hard drive has no influence on your download speed, but how you manage it while downloading does. 

Multitasking when downloading, such as transferring files or running other programs at the same time, might cause your hard drive to slow down.

It’s because it tries to accomplish too many tasks at once.

Multitasking when downloading can slow the Internet

Multitasking when downloading can slow the Internet

Older router

Your WiFi speeds might be impacted by aged wireless devices, network hardware, and older routers.

For instance, if your plan only allows for 100 Mbps, outdated routers and other network hardware are probably not going to slow down your connections.

However, if your outdated router can only support 300 Mbps while you have a gigabit plan, your wireless connection will seem to be moving at a snail's pace.

Even with the world's fastest router and internet service, outdated cellphones, tablets, and other gadgets might make you slower. 

Internet speeds on more recent gadgets with low-cost WiFi radios might also feel incredibly slow.

An old router may slow down the Internet

An old router may slow down the Internet

How to fix slow download on PS4?

How to increase download speed on PS? 

We highly recommend some quick tips as below:

Run a download speed test

If your PS4 is experiencing lags, delays, or sluggish downloads, the first thing you should do is run a download speed test.

It will help you determine whether the problem is with your network connection or with your Playstation.

You can use a third-party website to test your Internet.

MySpeed, Speedofme, Speedtest by Ookla are our choice.

In addition, you can check your download speed right on the PS4. 

Follow the steps below:

  • To begin, go to your Playstation 4's Settings page.

  • Then navigate to the Network tab.

  • Finally, choose Test Internet Connection from the drop-down menu.

Run speed test on PS4

Run speed test on PS4

Restart your Playstation 

Restarting your Playstation's software is the simplest tip on ps4 how to increase download speed

This will allow your console to reload its resources, which may have become corrupted due to a momentary problem or glitch.

To restart your PS4, follow the steps below:

  • To go to the Quick Menu, press and hold the PS button on your controller.

  • Go to the Power tab and select Restart PS4 from the drop-down menu.

  • To finish, hit the O or X button on your controller.

Restart PS4 

Restart PS4 

Restart your network 

Restarting your network router or modem is an additional option. 

This will force your device to reconnect to your Internet service provider's servers, resolving your PS4's slow download or upload speed.

Follow the steps below:

  • Locate your modem or router's power cord and disconnect it from the wall socket for 5 to 10 seconds to restart it.

  • Wait for your modem to activate after reconnecting the power cable.

  • Return to your PS4 and perform another test to verify whether you are now receiving the speeds specified on your monthly plan.

  • If you continue to have network troubles on additional devices, we recommend contacting your ISP and requesting that they fix their service.

Restarting your network router

Restarting your network router

Disable remote play

The PS4 has a feature that lets you set up a wireless network so that other devices can connect to it and view its content.

Whether you've already used this feature, consider disabling it to see if the issue disappears.

On the PS4, follow these instructions to disable Remote Play:

  • Use your controller to access your PS4's settings

  • Visit Remote Play Connection Settings

  • Make sure the Enable Remote Play checkbox is not selected

  • After that, test your PS4's network again to see if the issue has been resolved

Turn off remote play

Turn off remote play

Pause and resume a single download

The following solution is only a temporary solution. 

However, because it has served me well so many times, I chose to highlight it.

This is the same as restarting your PS4, except it's a lot faster.

Follow the procedures below:

  • Navigate to the Downloads tab on the PS4 interface.

  • Tap the X button to exit the game you're now downloading.

  • Select Pause and wait for 5 to 10 minutes 

  • Select Resume to see your download speed increase.

Pause & resume a single download

Pause & resume a single download

Also read: How to increase Warframe download speed?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does PS4 download games while off?

Yes, games can be downloaded onto a PS4 when it is in sleep mode. 

While your PS4 is in rest mode, games on the system can update as well. 

By putting it in rest mode, your PS4 can download and update things without using a lot of power.

Does the PS4 download in sleep mode?

For games and other programs, your PS4 system downloads updates automatically.

To download while in rest mode, follow these steps:

Select “Settings” => “Power Save Settings” => Set “Features Available in Rest Mode” => select the checkbox for “Stay Connected to the Internet”.

What is a good download speed for PS4?

For PlayStation 4 or PS4, you will need speed with download speed of 3 Mbps, upload speed of 1 Mbps.

Besides, ping rate is important for gaming.

So, make sure your ping rate is less than 150ms.


You’ve got the detailed answer to “why is my download speed so slow on ps4”. We try to pick a variety of useful ways that help you improve your issues. Now you can enjoy your game without worrying about its speed.  




Rating:4.8 - 50Votes


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    Samuel Wilson

    Interesting article

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    Nicholas Turner

    thank you for the research 👍

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      You’re welcome

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    James Edwards

    Why is my wifi so slow? Downloads can take hours, I can hardly watch videos, and I can't play all the games I purchased for my PS4 cause it's so laggy. My internet speed is only 3megabites per second and 0.12 Upload speed. Why?

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      If it is the speed from your IP, you’re going to have problems as the router is going to maintain some bandwidth in reserve for any additional connections that may come on. This can be changed on higher end or consumer friendly routers where they give you plenty of expert options to turn off unneeded connections

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    Charlie Simpson

    Why is my ping at 40 if my PS4 says my Mbps speed is in the hundreds? Shouldn’t it be lower?

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      Ping time has little to do with bandwidth (which is what your “Mbps speed” is)

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    George Lewis

    Why are my PS4 downloads slow when my internet receives 300 Mbps?

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      Because your Internet connection's speed isn't nearly as relevant to the whole process as you think it is. That's just the speed of your connection from you to your provider. Which is fine but that doesn't account for the complete path between you and wherever the PlayStation Network servers you're connecting to are located

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