Why is my download speed so SLOW but upload FAST: 3+ causes [Updated]

Dec 09, 2021 - Views: 53282

Rating:3.9 - 78Votes

Why is my download speed so slow but upload fast?

As you probably know, download speed is typically higher than upload speed. 

Is it something unusual if download speed is so slow but upload speed is fast in speed test results? 

Check out this post to know several underlying reasons behind this.

First of all, it’s necessary to spend a few minutes discovering basic things about these two speeds.

Let’s go!

Why is my download speed so slow but upload fast?

Why is my download speed so slow but upload fast?

Download speed vs. upload speed

Both of them are essential metrics used to measure an Internet connection. 

What is the difference between them?

Why is download speed considered more important than upload speed?

Read on to find out!

What is the difference?

Download speed is the rate at which data is transferred from the Internet to your device.

On the other hand, upload speed determines how fast the data moves from your device to the Internet. 

That’s the most fundamental difference between download speeds and upload speeds that you should know.

Download and upload speeds are different

Download and upload speeds are different

Why does download speed matter?

A vast majority of online activities that we often engage in involve downloading data. 

From basic things such as web surfing, email checking, etc, to bandwidth-heavy activities like video streaming, downloading large files, playing FPS games, etc.

They all mainly depend on download bandwidth.

Though we are also uploading while downloading, the amount of data involved is often so small. 

In other words, average Internet users spend a lot more time downloading than uploading.

That's why Internet service providers tend to give more priority to download speeds.

Many activities use downloading data

Many activities use downloading data

However, it doesn't mean that upload speeds are not essential. 

Whenever you do activities requiring uploading a lot of data (like live streaming, sending emails with large attachments, etc), upload speed comes into play.

What is a good download speed for wifi?

Different factors determine "What is a good upload and download speed for wifi or your wired connection?" 

In which, the number of devices using the connection and types of online activities you and other people in your home network do are most important.

What is a good download speed for wifi if you have one device and only engage in basic activities like web browsing, Google searching, …, for example? 

Well, it doesn't need to be fast. 

5 Mbps might seem enough.

5 Mbps download speed is enough for basic online requirements

5 Mbps download speed is enough for basic online requirements

But what is an ideal speed if you have multiple devices connected to the network or your home has some other people using the connection?

Even, they often stream videos, play games, and download files, ...? 

Surely, 5 Mbps is never enough.

Is it common for upload speed to be faster than download?

Well, download speeds typically need to be substantially quicker than upload rates since we spend a lot of time getting stuff from the Internet.

Therefore, you should do a speed test and discover that your download rates are far higher than your upload speeds.

You can visit https://gospeedcheck.com/ to run a test. 

It comes with a user-friendly interface as well as provides quite accurate results.

MySpeed is a reliable Internet testing site

MySpeed is a reliable Internet testing site

Yet, several Internet providers guarantee 50/50 or 100/100 connections, which entails having 100 Mbps for both download and upload speeds.

Thus, as networks can become crowded when many users are online at once, the actual outcome may vary.

For instance, you might discover that your 100/100 Internet is actually closer to 81/90 in reality since many people work from home.

Your download speed will nearly always be faster than your upload speed, except for something like this.

Why is my download speed so slow but upload fast? SOLVED

Running an Internet speed test, and you find out your download speed is so slow while your upload speed is fast? 

You may ask yourself “Why is my download speed suddenly so slow?

To be honest, there might be several reasons behind that type of speed test result. 

Multiple devices using the network, simultaneously downloading too many files, and congestion taking place in the download bandwidth,… can be the cause.

Read on to get the details…

Network congestion during peak hours

During Internet peak hours, not only you, but other people in your home, and your neighbor also use the Internet. 

Since many regular online activities rely on download bandwidth, congestion on the download bandwidth likely occurs, causing slower download speeds.

Network congestion

Network congestion


  • Change the WIFI channel number to avoid WIFI interferences 

  • Disconnect unnecessary Bluetooth devices

  • Unplug appliances from their power

Downloading too many files

Why is my download speed so slow?

Downloading too many files may be a reason since it uses download bandwidth. 

When you concurrently download many files, particularly large files, the system is likely bogged down.

Thus, your device also runs slow and can't process the download process efficiently.

Don’t download too many files at once

Don’t download too many files at once


  • Download file at other time

  • Download each by each file

Multiple devices using the network at once

The more devices using your network, the more Internet bandwidth and faster speeds are required. 

If these devices are using the network simultaneously and require too much download bandwidth exceeding what is available, slower speeds are expected.

Multiple devices using the network

Multiple devices using the network


  • Disconnect devices you are not currently using

  • Limit the number of devices connecting to the same network

Other factors

Things like issues with the wireless router, background programs, and more may also cause the problem. 

Well, when you speed check your Internet connection and get fast upload but slow download speed results, conduct the test again.

Plus, ensure that you run it properly by:

  • running multiple tests at different hours of the day

  • running the test using a wired connection

  • running the test using different devices

  • closing unnecessary programs running in the background

  • removing other devices from the network before starting the test

Consider run speed check with Ethernet cable

Consider run speed check with Ethernet cable

If you run the test the right way but still notice an oddly slower-than-usual Internet download speed, it appears that there might be a technical problem. 

If that's the case, call your Internet service provider to report the issue.

Bottom line

That is the end of today’s post on Why is my download speed so slow but upload fast? If you find the given information helpful, comment below and share it with your friends!

Rating:3.9 - 78Votes


  1. user_avatar


    I have this issue, slow download, fast upload. My device is the only one on the network that has this issue. I have tried wired and wireless connections. I have run virus and malware scans. Even when the engineer installed a speed upgrade, my device showed slow download speeds, even though every other device in the room was fine.

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      Some factors may cause download speed slower than upload, such as router position, testing at peak hours, overburdened WiFi, too many files or programs taking up memory space,...
      You can try these solutions:
      - Reduce the number of programs
      - Close background apps
      - Update modem
      - Download one file at a time
      - Download during non-peak times,...

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  2. user_avatar


    Correction - My PC with wired connection has great download (250Mpbs) but dreadful upload (4Mbps) but uplooad on my phone is 20Mbps

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      There are some possible reason why your upload speed on smartphone higher than laptop:
      - Maybe some components of your phone that are better
      - Your laptop' wifi card uses the wrong configuration (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz)
      - The phone uses fast solid state memory, the laptop may have a slower mechanical hard drive.
      - The phone may have a fast new processor, the laptop may be slow.
      - The phone may be new and fresh, the laptop could be bogged down with adware or background processes....
      Good luck

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    2. user_avatar


      bro my internet download is from 50kb to 100kb/s i can't even download a zip file

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  3. user_avatar


    My PC with wired connection has great download (250Mpbs) but dreadful upload 94Mbpb) but uplooad on my phone is 20Mbps

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      Upload and download speed on different devices will have some differences

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    Joe Mama

    why is my cook so red? thank you MySpeed in advance

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      Hi, what do you mean by "my cook so red"?

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    Arthur Clark

    Really great post with a lot of information, thanks for sharing

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      Sounds good

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    Susan Wood

    Why is it that my upload speed is three times more than my download speed?

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      Hi, maybe something is seriously wrong with your modem, or the connection from the modem to your ISP

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