Amazing business benefits of website performance optimization

Nov 25, 2020 - Views: 3058

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When it comes to website testing, performance testing is one of the most important testing processes that are done for any website. That is an obvious fact because web performance and its loading speed play important roles in ensuring user experience and customer satisfaction. Check out this article: “Amazing business benefits of website performance optimization” to see how this practice makes your business better.


website performance optimization

The website is more and more important for the majority of businesses

Well, we all know that most visitors will abandon a website if it takes too long to load. What if that slow website is your e-commerce website or your brand site? Well, your revenue, your credibility, your brand image will be affected a lot for sure. That’s the reason why web performance testing and website performance optimization are always crucial. Keep reading on to learn more about the benefits of web performance testing and performance optimization for your business.

1- Help increase user and customer satisfaction

The first impression is always important, especially for your prospective customers. Research has pointed out that nearly 50 percent of visitors want the loading time of web and mobile-based applications to be within 2 seconds.

If your website takes more than that timeframe to load, then not only your traffic but also your customer satisfaction will be affected. A lot of us feel so bad when we have to wait for a web page to be fully loaded and displayed on our screen, right? No one feels satisfied with slow websites and websites having delays while browsing.

So, it’s crucial to measure your website performance to know how the customers are responding to your website and then optimize it as much as possible. In that way, you can improve its performance, increasing the overall user experience of the website, making the visitors more and more satisfied. 

website performance optimization

Website performance optimization can help improve customer satisfaction 

2- Help improve the number of conversions and revenue

A conversion on a website may be that the visitors click on an ad, make a purchase, complete a contact form, or do anything else that is of value to you. Well, we all know that it’s not easy to make prospective customers click and visit your site. But it’s even harder to keep them browsing around your site and doing conversion actions, especially if your website performs poorly.

These days, customers and users are extremely sensitive to glitches even if it’s just a small one. They will likely leave your site before doing something there if it takes a long time to load and respond. Also, users will visit more pages on your website if it has a short load time and quick response. That means there’s a more chance of conversions if your site loads faster.

That’s why applying website performance optimization techniques, including page speed optimization techniques, is a must if you want to improve the speed and overall performance of your website. In that way, the number of conversions and revenue will be improved significantly.

website performance optimization

It’s also able to boost the number of conversions for your website

3- Help improve ranking on SERPs

Generally speaking, web performance, in general, and its page load time, in particular, affect the ranking of a site on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Google and most other search engines have taken load time into account when they create a website’s ranking.

Higher rankings on SERPs will help your site have more traffic from search engines. That means there will be more customers and users coming to you, promising more revenue and profit.

On the other hand, a poor load time or slow site is just like a big obstacle for you to win more prospective customers from Google and other search engines. But doing a website performance analysis to know how fast or how slow your website test load speed is and then applying appropriate website performance optimization techniques will help you have better rankings.

website performance optimization

Page load time affects the ranking of a site on SERPs

4- Website performance optimization helps improve load capacity, scalability, stability

Optimizing web performance will help it become more stable and have better load capacity and scalability. This is especially important when it comes to dealing with high volumes of users. Think of an e-commerce website on a big sale day like Black Friday, for example. There will be a lot of users visiting, browsing around the web simultaneously.

In case that e-commerce site is not able to handle a huge volume of visitors accessing the web, causing slow load speed, lags, or even crashes, then the revenue will be significantly affected. Nothing is worse than that, right?

No need to worry about that because web performance testing will help gauge the speed, scalability, stability, and more of your website. It will let you know how many users your site can handle until issues take place so that you can find solutions and proper techniques to optimize these aspects.

website performance optimization

Optimizing web performance will help it become more stable and have better load capacity and scalability

5- Others

Together with the above benefits, website performance optimization also offers other great advantages for your business such as decreasing bounce rates, making the site more sustainable, eliminating bottlenecks, and more.

In general, this practice makes your website more optimal and helps improve the customer experience as a whole. That’s how it matters to your website and your business.

See also: Website test: Reasons for performance testing


The website is more and more important for the majority of businesses. It is just like the online presence of your business on the Internet. A poor performance website might affect your business a lot. But a good performance one, on the other hand, is a big advantage that can help your business, your revenue, your profit, your brand, … improve a lot. Optimizing and speeding up your website offer various benefits for your business, right? Recently, we introduced to you some important business benefits of website performance optimization. Hope that this article and its information are useful and interesting to you.



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