What is a wifi ranger? What are its benefits and how to use it?

Oct 13, 2022 - Views: 1248

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Your wifi signal is poor, so you can't stay connected on the road or away from your home. Don’t be worried! A wifi ranger will help solve this problem. What is a wifi ranger? How to use it properly? Keep reading to find out the right answers.

About Wifi 

What is wifi? It is a wireless signal sent by a wireless router to a nearby client that converts the radio waves into data to use. The device sends the radio signal back to the router connecting to the Internet with a wire or cable.

A wireless device can also connect to a wired device through your wifi router as a wifi bridge. What is a wifi bridge? It is a technology that allows you to connect two networks or a wireless device to a wired device at a remote distance. 

What is wifi?

What is wifi?

What Is A Wifi Ranger?

What is wifi ranger? It is a new feature providing the connectivity solution for the wifi network. 

If you have a router signal far away from your device, you will find out a way to get the strong signal and boost it for your wireless devices. The wifi ranger can help you do this. 

What is wifi ranger? How does it work?

What is wifi ranger? How does it work?

Also read: what is mu-mimo wifi

Benefits Of Wifi Ranger

The wifi ranger can be together with an indoor router to connect simultaneously without delay. It is as beneficial as Mu-Mimo wifi, which makes a constant connection for multiple devices from an access point.  

The wifi ranger broadcasts both 2GHz and 5GHz networks so that new devices can get faster. You can run a wifi speed test to check the maximum speed on your device. 

Besides, it improves a weak network and communicates multiple internet sources, such as wifi, cellular, or Ethernet. If your Internet goes down, it will automatically reconnect. It also protects your wifi network with a powerful firewall by preventing the potential risks or threats to your wifi security. 

Benefits of wifi ranger

Benefits of wifi ranger

How To Use Wifi Ranger

Follow these simple steps to trigger a wifi ranger properly: 

Step 1.  Power on WiFi Ranger.

Step 2. Wait roughly 2 minutes for the boot process.

Step 3. Wirelessly connect your devices (smartphone, tablet, or computer) to the network and enter your password.

Step 4. Open the device’s web browser and go to Control Panel in myWiFiRanger .com *If using a phone or tablet, you will need to scroll down and click “Take me to the full site”. 

Step 5. Register desired Tab by providing at least the required fields. 

Step 6. Change the password on the wifi Tab and save the changes. Use the new password to log back into the WiFi Ranger

Step 7. After finishing settings, click on any available wireless network from the main control panel screen. Note: Enter the password to connect to the wifi if the wifi network is password protected. 

How to set up a wifi ranger easily?

How to set up a wifi ranger easily?

See more: what is metered wifi


This article has given a detailed answer to the question, “what is a wifi ranger and its benefits?”. All wifi rangers can act as independent routers, including all wifi extensions. Leverage them to eliminate problems with the Internet while you’re away from home.


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