Website Test Performance: Signs of Poor Website Performance

Oct 01, 2020 - Views: 3569

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What makes poor website performance? The one that is attracting, engaging, and turns visitors into customers? Exactly! Running a website test performance will give you a good sense of how effectively your web is working. There are an array of ways to prevent your site from succeeding. While determining what’s causing your site to fail is never easy, you can pinpoint the problem areas on your site based on some common signs.

Keep reading this article, you’ll find common signs of poor website performance that could be costing you a tonne of business, and how to know these.


Website Test Performance: Signs of Poor Web Performance

What does the website speed test tell about?

It’s important to run a website test performance to know how poor website performance is, the quantity and size of page elements, what causes your site to work improperly, and find out solutions for improvements. More importantly, it gives you the details you need to maintain a strict web-performance budget. This task can be done effortlessly with the help of website test tools. All you need is pick the one that is reliable enough among the best website test tools out there. 

Tools for understanding client-side performance

There are a host of Client-side Performance testing tools available in the market, making it easier for users to choose. The simplest tools for manually testing client-side performance are Chrome Developer tools. Alternatively, there are also other tools worth considering.

Google Lighthouse 

This is an open-source and automated tool that features audits to recognize poor website performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. With this tool, your improving the quality of web pages is just a cinch.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a service that analyzes the content of a web page and gives you tips to improve the performance of the tested website, which empowers you to make decisions that increase your website performance. People like Google PageSpeed Insights because it's easy to use and it fits all kinds of projects on the web. However, it has some performance requirements that are relatively difficult to meet.


WebPageTest is an automated scanner that speeds up the execution time of tests. It gives grades from scanning and provides information such as speed index, total load time, or time to the first byte. gives you a comprehensive picture of the client-side in a wide range of real browsers and how poor website performance is by running a performance test website in any browser, from any location, over any network condition.


Running performance test for better site

Tools for understanding real-world performance is a free online tool that analyzes your website and shows your site performs, reveals why it's slow, and discovers optimization opportunities. The website has a bunch of features and options to make optimizing your website clear and easy. You can test your page on different devices and resolutions. is a tool that helps to evaluate client-side performance from real browsers. Based on performance best practices and timing metrics, this open-source tool analyzes your website's speed and reveal if poor website performance exists. You can analyze one site, and make a comparison among multiple sites, or let your continuous integration server break your build when you have exceeded your performance budget.

Signs of Poor Web Performance

1. Low website traffic

If your site is experiencing a decrease in the number of visitors, chances are your website isn’t properly optimized to appear in the search engine results or you’ve failed to follow some key SEO best practices. For example, if you have lots of broken links on your site, this can negatively affect not only visitors’ experience but also your visibility in the search engine results. If you’re not using the relevant keywords to optimize content, the chance that your site shows up at the top of the search results is low. How do know these signs? Doing website load speed periodically will give you detailed information on how your site is working.

2. Low click-through rate

Click-through rate, as known as CTR, refers to the number of people that click on an ad or a link after seeing it. It is used to measure how effective an online advertising campaign is. For example, If someone is searching for the best website test performance and sees your website in the search engine results, and clicks to access your site, that adds to your click-through rate.

In another case, if lots of people see your website but very few click on it, that’s a sign of poor website performance. It usually means that your website is not attracting or convincing enough to click and learn more. 


How to run a Website test performance?

3. High bounce rate

The bounce rate is the rate at which people who arrive visit your site and then quickly leave without going to other pages. This tells if your site is targeting the right audiences or if you’re meeting their expectations and needs.

If someone lands on your product page from the search results and immediately exits, closes the window or tab, this contributes to your high bounce rate.

If this remains for a long time, that means your site has poor website performance. In other words, is not somewhat helpful to visitors, or that it has some technical issues causing visitors not to stay on your site.

4. Very few leads and customers

Another sign of poor performance is that you get lots of visitors while the percentage of people taking the next step to sign up for your email or to buy from you is low. This problem can be attributed to a ton of reasons such as confusing headlines, low-quality content, or poorly designed sites, etc. For detailed information, you’re encouraged to do test website performance.

5. Excessive ignored shopping carts

If you witness a high percentage of people who add items to their cart but don’t finalize their purchase, this may be caused by poor website performance.

Did you remember the last time to test the buying process from your site? Is it simple and convenient for visitors to finalize their purchases?  


Website Test Performance and how to do it?

6. Website Loading Speed 

Does “slow and steady wins the race” hold in every situation? No, especially when it comes to the performance of your website. Slow loading speed is another sign of poor website performance. Most visitors are reportedly not patient enough to wait for the website to load. Thus, page load time is considered one of the key metrics in web applications. Visitors will leave your website for various reasons if they have to wait for the web to load. Running a free website speed test from multiple locations over the world using real browsers will provide insights into how fast your page loads. The results of website test performance will provide detailed diagnostic information including resource loading waterfall charts, and suggestions for better performance. You will then know what to do for loading time reduction.

Wrapping up

Poor website performance can hurt not only your brand and visibility in the search engine results but also your bottom line of generating profits. So make sure you take a closer look at how your website performs by using a wide variety of website load speed tools and fix what doesn’t work as your customers expect it to. This will go a long way towards improving the users' satisfaction with the websites and applications. 


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