Should you have a blog on your business website?

Mar 19, 2021 - Views: 1545

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These days, it's essential for almost every business, even small local businesses, to have a website. The importance of a website for businesses are, of course, undeniable. But is having a website enough? Should you add a blog to your business site? Keep reading on then you, yourself, will find the answers to these questions through this article "Should you have a blog on your business website?."

importance of website in digital marketing

Should you have a blog on your business website?

These days, more and more small business owners ask themselves questions like "Should I add a blog to my website?", "Why do I need a blog on my website?", "Is it worth putting a blog on my website?", etc. What's about you? Have you asked yourself these questions? Well, if that's the case, be with us until the end of this writing so that you will find your answer.

Why do we not state right here that it's best to put a blog on your website or not? Well, this is because the answer may vary, depending on a wide range of factors. 

There's no one-fit-all answer here. Having a blog on your business website, of course, offers a bunch of advantages. But it also has a few downsides. So, to know if you should set up a blog on your website or not, it's best to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages first. After considering the pros and cons, weighing them, you will know whether or not you should add a blog to your site.

importance of website in digital marketing

The importance of website in digital marketing and business is too obvious 

Now, it’s time for us to learn about the pros and cons of adding a blog to a business site.

Big business benefits of having a blog on your website

As mentioned above, blogging on your business website offers tons of benefits in terms of marketing, building brand, customer service, and more. Let’s see how your business benefits from having a blog right on your website.

Boost SEO and drive traffic to your website

Blogging is an effective way to boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and drive traffic from search engines to your website. The more articles you have in your blog, the more content Google and other search engines crawl and index. 

importance of website in digital marketing

Blogging is an effective way to boost SEO and drive traffic from search engines to your website

This means that your site can easily be recognized (by the search engines) as a resource of information for users to access. By uploading new blog posts regularly, you also have the chance to promote crucial keyword terms and help them get higher rankings on SERPs (search engine results pages).

Moreover, you can also use your blog to create and deliver useful content that your readers are likely to share with their connections. According to Hubspot (via businesses who blog receive 97 percent more links back to their website from different online sources.

Provide value to your audience

Another big benefit of business blogging is to provide your audience with value. Blog posts including useful, informative information that help solve problems or introduce helpful tips/tricks to make something in their lives better or easier are more than engaging to your potential leads. 

Certainly, blogs are also a good place for you to explain more about your products or services. They allow for in-depth explanations about what your products/services offer. Benefits of your products or services can be included subtly in the posts as part of the solutions for the problems you mention in your posts. But remember, you should just do that in a subtle, helpful way. 

importance of website in digital marketing

The more your business creates useful, informative content, the more you will be recognized as an authority in your industry

Build credibility 

The importance of a website also lies in the way it helps establish credibility and build trust. With a blog on it, your business website seems to gain a lot more credibility. 

By taking the time and effort to provide value for free through your blog content, you are building your credibility among your audience, including your potential customers and your existing customers as well. The more your business creates useful, informative content, the more you will be recognized as an authority in your industry. 

A blog full of useful articles shows your audience that your website, and your business as well, are a trusted source. Creating a blog like this on your website lets them know that you and your business are not just selling goods or providing service. More than that, it proves that you care and respect the true benefits of your customers and that you want to do anything you can (from creating useful content to providing good products/services) to make their lives better. 

Build relationships with your prospective and existing customers

A blog is also so powerful in terms of building relationships with your audience (your customers, leads, and even industry peers). Business blogging is a great way to connect and start conversations directly with your visitors. 

The comment section is a common feature included in many blogs. Use your blog posts to encourage your readers to give you their questions, feedback, and opinions via the comment section. Don't be afraid or hesitate to put a direct question and see the answer of your visitors. 

importance of website in digital marketing

A blog is also so powerful in terms of building relationships with your audience

By examining and responding to the comments of your audience, you can create a connection with them, develop trust, plus acquire an invaluable understanding regarding what your customers and leads want and search for. Besides, responding to their questions and interacting with the visitors also proves that you care about their thoughts, their opinions and humanizes the company.

That shows the importance of website in digital marketing, especially when it has a blog on it.

Stay ahead of the competition 

A business having an active blog on its site that builds trust, provides value, attracts more traffic, and more is, of course, more likely to get visitors to make purchases. By building credibility and loyalty among potential customers, there's a high possibility that they will choose your business over your competitors when they're ready to make a purchase. 

As per, 55 percent of users are encouraged enough to purchase from a business if it has a consistent and interesting blog. With a steady blog, a business is not only recognized as an expert in the industry by users but also creates value to indirectly help a customer select products or services. 

importance of website in digital marketing

The importance of a website with a blog on it: A business having a quality blog on its site is more likely to get visitors to make purchases


Along with the five big benefits listed above, having a blog on your business website also features many other advantages. For example, it keeps your audience updated about your company, helps collect mail databases, leads conversions, builds your network with influencer marketing, and more. 

Well, these are the benefits of adding a blog to a business website. But you know, everything has its pros and cons. Now, let's move on to the next part of this writing to see what the cons of blogging on your site are. 

What’s about the drawbacks?

Blogging takes a lot of time and effort. It might be a much bigger commitment than what you think about. These days, to make your blog actually work for your business, you will need a great deal of quality content backed by strategy, attractive visuals, and proper ways to promote your content regularly.

Your business will not be right away benefited from a blog by just putting it on the site. It doesn't happen that way. There will be obstacles to overcome to get fruitful outcomes with business blogging. Following are a few typical difficulties that you need to know:

Blogging is time-consuming

Blogging takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. It's hard to see huge results in just a few months. Things like credibility, high rankings in SERPs, a loyal audience, etc need time to build. They aren't overnight achievements. 

importance of website in digital marketing

Blogging takes a lot of time, effort, and patience

Of course, it also takes lots of enthusiasm combined with consistent renewing to make and maintain fresh blog content. A blog on a website will look so bad, even worse than no blog at all if it is not updated for a long time. That's why it's crucial to have a posting schedule when you are going to blog on your website.

Company blogging requires creativity and strong writing skills 

A blog that is well written and has full of great content and information is a precious brand asset. In contrast, one that is poorly written with just low-quality posts containing full of typos and grammatical and spelling errors and offers no value could be, well, doing harm more than good.

The techie stuff

To blog on your website, you need to set it up, right? But for many people, it's not simple to add a blog to a website. It's even much more complicated when you need to make sure that it's optimized for SEO and doesn't affect your website speed much even if a lot of posts will be published in the future. 

importance of website in digital marketing

Company blogging requires creativity and strong writing skills 

So, should you have a blog on your business website?

As you can see, having a blog on your business site draws both pros and cons. It seems like the pros outweigh the cons, right? However, you should also know that not all businesses can reap benefits from blogging.

Blogging on your business site or not, well, everything is up to you. 

But if you are still wondering, you can ask yourself some more questions like the following:

- Who will be responsible for the technical issue? Will you, yourself, be able to ensure your website operates smoothly with good performance when a blog is added? Or someone will do that?

- Who will create blog posts? Who will promote them to get maximum visibility? ...

- What's about your content strategy? Is it possible for you to ensure consistency in your blog? 

- Are you (and your team) eager to come up with unique ideas?

- …

importance of website in digital marketing

Blogging on your business site or not, well, everything is up to you 

After considering these things, plus the pros and cons of having a blog on your business website, you now know whether or not it's good to blog on your site, right? If you find yourself really serious about this and you also want your company blog to transform your business, let's do that with your best plan and preparation. If not, let’s wait more, until you are ready!

Bottom line

Recently, we learned about the pros and cons of having a blog on your business website. Together with these are some other aspects to consider before starting a company blog. Hope that all of these things can help you determine if you should set up a blog on your website or not. The importance of website in digital marketing and business is undeniable, and it even offers more benefits with a blog added on. And that's all for today's article "Should you have a blog on your business website?." Hope you enjoyed it!


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