Is Cox Internet Upload Speed Fast? A Comparison to Other Common ISPs

Jun 16, 2022 - Views: 1857

Rating:4.9 - 51Votes

Unspoken truth, choosing a good internet plan is essential to bring in the most entertaining online moments.

Is Cox internet upload speed fast? Is it the best upload speed internet provider when compared to other ISPs?

Find out the answer in this post!

Cox internet plans upload speed

About Cox Internet

That said, Cox internet plans shift toward the pricey side. It means that consumers need to pay more cost per megabit than other ISPs not only gigabit internet upload speed. Is it worth to get it?

Cox contract

This is a big plus point of Cox, you can opt-out of Cox's contract and just pay $10 more for each internet plan if you’re under the 1-year term agreement. Moreover, whether you sign up for the 1-year term agreement or not, you'll pay $15 to $26 extra after the first year.

We recommend that you should take the 1-year term agreement to save an extra $120 over a year since Cox usually gives a $10 monthly discount on all of its plans under the first-year contract (unless you truly don't want to sign up for a subscription).

Cox internet plans

However, if you do choose the contract, keep in mind that you need to pay $120 for an early termination charge (ETF) if you decide to switch to another ISP after your 30-day grace period expires.

Cox equipment

When registering the Cox internet plan, you are able to rent a Panoramic Wi-Fi Gateway modem with $12 per month. However, of course, you also find alternatives for saving money.

  • Panoramic Wi-Fi Gateway modem/router rental fee: $12.00/month

  • Elite Gamer software: $6.99/month for the first connection, $4.99/month extra for additional connections

Cox services fees

Cox charges a professional installation cost of $100 and an early cancellation fee of up to $120. However, you have 30 days to test out your Cox internet without incurring a hefty and costly early termination fee. In addition, if you choose to self-install your internet, your Cox Easy Connect kit is free.

Cox service fees is not free

  • Installation by a professional: $100

  • Free Easy Connect self-installation kit

  • Fees for early termination: up to $120

We're overjoyed with Cox's complimentary self-installation kit. ISPs typically charge you for shipping and handling. Cox, on the other hand.

Cox internet plans upload speed

Is Cox internet essential 50 upload speed the same Cox internet preferred 150 upload speed? Let’s take a look at several Cox internet plans.

Plan Price Download speed Upload speed

Cox Internet Starter 25


25 Mbps

3 Mbps

Cox Internet Essential 50


50 Mbps

3 Mbps

Cox Internet Preferred 150


150 Mbps

10 Mbps

Cox Internet Ultimate 500


500 Mbps

10 Mbps

Cox Gigablast


940 Mbps

35 Mbps

Data from

At the same upload speed of 10 Mbps, if you often consume much more downloading data than uploading, you should select Cox internet ultimate 500 upload speed plan. Paying more than $20 but you are able to get a download speed of up to 500 Mbps. 

Otherwise, the best upload speed internet of Cox that you’re finding is Cox Gigablast. 35 Mbps upload speed allows users to do lots of online things smoothly such as upload large TB files, broadcasting Livestream.

Is Cox internet cheap?

To answer the question and compare Cox to other ISPs ( CenturyLink, Xfinity, Spectrum), here are several types of internet packages comparisons.

Service Plan Price Download speed

Cox Internet

Cox Internet Preferred 150


150 Mbps

CenturyLink Internet

Simply Unlimited Internet


Up to 100 Mbps

Spectrum Internet

Spectrum Internet®


Up to 200 Mbps‡

Spectrum Internet

Spectrum Internet® Ultra


Up to 400 Mbps‡

Xfinity Internet - West



Up to 600 Mbps

Cox internet medium-speed packages comparison

Service Plan Price Download speed

Cox Internet

Cox Gigablast


940 Mbps

CenturyLink Internet

CenturyLink Fiber Internet


940 Mbps

Spectrum Internet

Spectrum Internet® Gig

$109.99/mo for 12 mos.°

Up to 1000 Mbps°

Xfinity Internet - West



1200 Mbps

Cox internet high-speed packages comparison

From the two tables above, it can be clearly seen that Cox internet plan is more costly than CenturyLink in both medium and high-speed packages. Cox offers a download speed of 150 Mbps at $59.99$ monthly while the CenturyLink plan just costs  $50 per month. Of course, CenturyLink's speed is slower than Cox’s. However, even offering the same internet speed test result of 940 Mbps, Cox is still more expensive. 

If you need high-speed internet, Cox is the less expensive alternative because the company's promotional pricing rises by around $15 to $26 after the first-year term agreement expires. Whereas, Spectrum offers a higher price and faster speed. If your data demand is not too large, Cox can be a better choice.

Compared to Xfinity performance internet upload speed, Cox is still weaker a little bit. If Xfinity internet can provide a download speed of up to 600 Mbps, the speed of the Cox plan is just 150 Mbps at the same price of $59.99 per month. Luckily, Xfinity gigabit internet upload speed is the same as Cox at 35 Mbps.

Cox data caps

Unfortunately, Cox has data caps and customers should consider them before registering Cox internet plans. In detail, Cox's data cap policy was revised in 2020, and each subscriber now receives 1.25 TB of data every billing cycle. This is an increase from simply 1 TB of data. 

Cox has set data caps

However, you are unlikely to exceed your Cox data cap. A terabyte of data is equivalent to 400 hours of HD video streaming. To put that in context, viewing all nine seasons of The Office (because you can) would take around 76 hours.

In this case, your demand increases and exceeds the Cox data caps. You are able to pay additional 50 GB of data for $10. 

Where is Cox available?

Cox serves nearly 60 million households and companies in 19 states across the United States, including numerous major cities like as Cleveland, OH, Santa Barbara, CA, and the District of Columbia.

  • Cleveland, Ohio

  • Gainesville, Florida

  • Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Macon, Georgia

  • New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

  • Omaha, Nebraska

  • Pensacola, Florida

  • Phoenix, Arizona

  • San Diego, California

  • Santa Barbara, California

  • Topeka, Kansas

  • Virginia Beach, Virginia

  • Wichita, Kansas

Cox is available in 19 states in US

According to Federal Communications Commission data, Cox's home network footprint reached little under 7% of the US population in June 2020. Check whether the Cox is available in your area or not.

Wrapping up

To sum up, there is no absolute best internet provider for upload speed. However, Cox is also a good option if you want to spend less than $120 per month (when the discount expires) for 500 Mbps to 940 Mbps of faster speed internet. These plans allow users to work from home, video streaming, remote learning, and gaming smoothly.

Rating:4.9 - 51Votes
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    Ryder Walker

    This is great stuff!

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    Dylan Cook

    Why is Cox internet so expensive?

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      Cox internet pricing may be influenced by a variety of factors, including the cost of infrastructure, maintenance, customer support, and technology upgrades

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    Aria Johnson

    How do I check my internet download speed and upload speed on the Cox website?

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      Connect your computer to the router with an Ethernet cable, at least for the test. Then go to or use any of a number of other sites.

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