Amazon Devices to Share Your Internet with Neighbors by Default

Jun 03, 2021 - Views: 1433

Rating:5.0 - 50Votes

Amazon will soon release a new wireless mesh service Amazon Sidewalk, which will see all Amazon users share their Internet bandwidth with neighbors automatically. 

About Amazon Sidewalk

Amazon Sidewalk is a shared network that helps Amazon devices work better (Echo devices, ring security cams, motion sensors, outdoor lights.

This free Amazon-owned service can assist users set up new gadgets, extend the low-bandwidth working range of devices to assist discover pets or valuables with Tile trackers and keep gadgets online even if they are outside the range of their home wifi.

Amazon Sidewalk enables

Amazon Sidewalk enables users to share their Internet with neighbors

In the future, Sidewalk will support a variety of experiences resulting from the use of Sidewalk-enabled devices, including smart security and lighting, as well as appliance and tool diagnostics.

How will Amazon Sidewalk affect my personal wireless bandwidth?

A Sidewalk Bridge's maximum bandwidth to the Sidewalk server is 80Kbps, or about 1/40th of the bandwidth required to stream a typical high-definition video.

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When you share your Bridge's connection with Sidewalk, the total monthly data utilized by Sidewalk per account is currently capped at 500MB, which is around 10 minutes of high-definition video streaming.

Why should you use Amazon Sidewalk?

Amazon Sidewalk keeps your gadgets connected. If your Echo device loses its wifi connection, for example, Sidewalk can make reconnecting to your router much easier.

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Even if your Ring Security Cams lose their wifi connection, you can still receive motion alerts and customer service can still fix difficulties for select Ring devices.

Furthermore, the service also expands the range of your Sidewalk-enabled products, such as Ring smart lights, pet locators, and smart locks, allowing them to stay connected and work over larger distances. To join Sidewalk, Amazon does not charge any fees.

Amazon has released a white paper outlining the technical underpinnings and terms of service that it claims would guarantee the privacy and security of this ambitious project.

Amazon Devices to Share Your Internet

Amazon Devices to Share Your Internet with Neighbors by Default

Amazon decided to make Sidewalk an opt-out service as the company knows the only chance of the service gaining critical mass is to turn it on automatically. Fortunately, turning Sidewalk off comes with no harm.

The benefits of Sidewalk will, undoubtedly, outweigh the drawbacks for some people. However, there are a few advantages and plenty of downsides for many. Representatives from Amazon did not reply to a request for comment.

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