YouTube launches hashtag landing search results pages to all users

Feb 05, 2021 - Views: 830

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes

YouTube is improving a lot on its ability to search by hashtags thanks to the launch of the dedicated results pages. They offer a new way to sort and discover videos on YouYube.

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Now, when searching for a hashtag on YouTube, users will see a dedicated page only containing videos with that hashtag

Popularized by Twitter and Instagram, hashtags have been one of the best ways to sort and discover content on different social media platforms. Facebook and LinkedIn also successfully integrated hashtags into their platforms at some point.

Though YouTube first rolled out the ability to search by hashtags back in 2018, it didn’t work perfectly. But now, when searching for a hashtag on YouTube on either the mobile app or desktop, users and creators will see a dedicated page only containing videos with that hashtag. 

How to access a Hashtag page on YouTube?

New hashtag pages on YouTube offer a new way to sort and discover content on the platform. To access a Hashtag page on YouTube, users just need to click on any hashtag that a Youtuber appends to their videos. Also, users can access the feature via URL (type: Once on a hashtag pape, users will find all the videos having the said tag. 

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Hashtag result page for #boostinternetspeed (boost internet speed) (Image source: screen capture)

As TechCrunch notes, there doesn’t seem to be an explicit logic behind why YouTube is highlighting some videos over others, or why they rank them in such order. With Instagram, for example, sorting content by hashtags highlight the most popular videos and photos. 

The update also impacts how YouTube handles hashtags in general. Now, a hashtag search will no longer come back with related videos but just highlight content that explicitly includes the hashtag. In that way, it’s an exciting way for users to discover new content. 

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