What is good download and upload speed for gaming? [Ultimate Guide]

May 10, 2021 - Views: 11310

Rating:4.4 - 55Votes

If you are an avid gamer, you probably wonder “ What is good download and upload speed for gaming?”

A slow Internet connection, of course, is one of the most annoying things you may encounter.

If your game sounds slow, the server will not respond immediately so if your opponent's game gets faster, they have a much higher chance of winning. 

So, read this post instantly!

What is good download and upload speed for gaming?

What is good download and upload speed for gaming?

Why do you need a good internet speed for gaming?

Playing games online is not the most bandwidth-consuming activity.

That's because in-game images are displayed by the graphics card on your PC or game console.   

However, good Internet speed is critical to a smooth gaming experience. 

Good Internet speed is critical to a smooth gaming experience

Good Internet speed is critical to a smooth gaming experience

Moreover, many online games require you to pull down game patches, frequent updates, or new files on your PC in order to keep playing. 

That’s why you need a good internet speed.

Besides, you also want fast connections and low latency to play competitive games without lag and jitter.

What is a good Internet speed?

Download or upload speed for gaming?

This comes down to what kind of gaming you’re playing.

If you are into heavy competitive games such as Overwatch, Fortnite, you will need good download and upload speed to avoid “lag” or latency.

That said, 300Mbps is ideal for multiplayer gaming. Anything lower than that is called potential “lag zone” danger.

Online game like Fortnite require fast speed for a smooth experience

Online games like Fortnite require fast speed for a smooth experience

Break down each component of the internet speed, what is a good download and upload speed for gaming?

Keep reading to find out the answer.


What is a good download speed for gaming?

Many questions have been thrown on the gaming community like what is a good download speed for gaming?  

20 Mbps download speed is good? 

Is 10 Mbps download speed good for gaming

The only information that has to come back through your Internet connection is the keys and buttons the player presses. 

This means that even many modern games with high-definition graphics need download speeds of just around 3 Mbps to play online.

What is a good download?

What is a good download?

It's okay to play games with 3 to 8 Mbps.

Yet, depending on how many people are using your Internet and whether you're using the Internet for other activities at the same time, this can't be enough. 

So whats a good download speed Mbps? 

Is 25 Mbps download speed good for gaming? Everything less than 50 Mbps is good. 50 to 200 Mbps is considered excellent.

If you want to have a consistent online experience, we suggest having a slightly better connection.

Because the actual Internet speed requirements are so low, games and game systems often don't give specifically recommended Internet speed.

Instead, it just requires a "broadband Internet connection", download speeds up to 25 Mbps, and 3 Mbps upload speeds.

They are more than enough for you to have multiple consoles playing online simultaneously.

If you are not sure about the broadband connection you have, run a speed test.

Best Internet connections

Best Internet connections

What is a good latency for gaming?

Latency is the amount of time it takes for a signal from your device to go to and return from a remote server. 

Because it is measured by sending a single ping of information, it is also known as "ping rate."

Ping rate is one of the most critical metrics when it comes to online gaming.

Lower ping means a smoother experience, and higher ping means lag and jitter.

That said, anything at 100ms or less is quite good for gaming.

20-40ms is optimal for a thrilling playing moment. 

Latency is affected by a variety of variables. 

These are some examples:

1. Distance between you and the server

Regional servers are used by games that enable co-op and multiplayer because geography matters, even if the server is only a few states away. 

2. Your Internet type

Some Internet connections have intrinsically greater delay than others. 

Because satellite Internet is a wireless communication that must go to space and return to reach a remote server, it has the highest latency. 

Insulated cable connections are faster than uninsulated phone lines, and fiber optic cables are faster than both.

Some types of Internet

Some types of Internet

Choosing the closets gaming server and using fiber connection if you want to play games without a lag.

What is a good upload speed for gaming?

Upload speeds are significant because when you play a multiplayer game, you are continuously transmitting data or messages to other players.

However, while upload speeds are more critical to gamers than other users, it does not need to be exceptionally fast.

Best Internet speed

Best Internet speed

Check Internet speed

It's definitely worth testing your Internet connection if you're having problems with slower Internet speeds. 

A test will not only give you a picture of how much Internet speed you have but also help you make sure you're getting what you paid for. 

Troubleshooting and sites devoted to checking your Internet speeds, you can use such as speedtest.net or gospeedcheck.com.

MySpeed at gospeedcheck.com

MySpeed at gospeedcheck.com

After knowing how much speed you are getting, you may find out the reasons for slow connections and tips on how to increase Internet speed.

How to Increase Internet speed?

It’s frustrating when you are about to pull off a sick kill shot, and you get womp womp. Apply these simple tips below to enhance your internet performance.

1. Restart your router

When it comes to speed for online gaming, you need at least 15-20Mbps. But you also need to think about your bandwidth.

If you or others in your family do other activities on the Internet (like streaming movies, video chatting,...) simultaneously, it can hog up bandwidth. 

Activities like streaming videos and downloading files can slow down your Internet and games unless you have enough bandwidth to support them. 

2. Move the wifi transmitter closest to you

Items like walls, floors, furniture, and other objects can interfere with your wireless signal. 

Increase your WiFi signal and improve your connection line by moving your PC or console closer to your wifi transmitter.

If you find that you still experience lag, it will degrade, or there's no way you can move the router, try changing your position to get faster Internet. 

For example, put your console at a different angle. 

This is a practical tip on how to get fast connections.

Ideal Internet speed for games

Ideal Internet speed for games

You can also reduce signal interference from other household devices such as wireless speakers, microwaves, and portable chargers. 

This can help the wireless signal transmit a more direct stream to your device.

3. Close any unnecessary websites and programs

Bandwidth-heavy websites like Netflix, YouTube, and downloading seriously affect your ping rate and latency. 

Before playing games, you should close any unnecessary apps or background apps for faster Internet.

Reducing the number of devices you have connected to WiFi can help. 

The more devices that are connected and using WiFi, the more bandwidth is required.

You can even put your device in Airplane Mode while playing.

Limit the number of devices connected to the network

Limit the number of devices connected to the network

4. Use an Ethernet cable

If you live in a home where you share a wireless connection with others, it’s hard to ask them to stop using the Internet while you are playing games. 

You can try to squeeze a game tight whenever they're out of the house, or you can connect your device to the router via a fiber optic cable.

As long as your router is not the problem, this will greatly reduce your ping rate.

Ethernet cord

Ethernet cord

5. Play on the local server

Playing on a server in your country or countryside can dramatically decrease your ping. 

The closer the server is to you, the better your connection.

Learn What Internet Speeds Do You Need

Learn What Internet Speeds Do You Need

6. Replace your wifi device

Older wifi devices can affect your connection strength and reliability. 

A router optimized for gaming might be the best choice. 

The router has special features designed to enhance all the conditions required to play online games. 

A new router

A new router

One special feature is Quality of Service (QoS), which allows you to prioritize Internet traffic on your console so you can have the best experience possible.

After running an Internet check and you know Internet performance, you should upgrade your router to increase the connection.

7. Upgrade your broadband package

Better broadband is possibly the best and simplest way to reduce game latency and increase Internet speed. 

Consider upgrading your broadband package to an option that offers better conditions. 

Sometimes, it could be that your particular area has a patchy WiFi signal.

So, you can choose another broadband provider that offers a better, more reliable Internet connection. 

For the best Internet connection, you can also adopt other ways like using a wired connection or upgrading your Internet plan.

8. Switch to another ISP

If your Internet is still sluggish, consider switching to other Internet service providers.

Companies should be able to do a line test and provide you with an estimate of the speeds you may get before the registration.

If you're using ADSL standard Internet services and want to improve your connection, you should consider upgrading to fiber-optic broadband. 

Internet Service Providers

Internet Service Providers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is 200 Mbps download speed good for gaming?

200 Mbps is enough to play most games online or PC.

It might be slow to pull down game files from Steam (a little over six minutes to download a 9GB game).

However, it won't pose issues to your experience playing or even streaming the game.

2. What is a good Internet speed for ps4?

For a fantastic experience with your PS4, the following Internet requirements are recommended:

The good download speed for ps4  is 16 Mbps. 

Upload speed is 4 Mbps. 

Ping rate: Always less than 50 milliseconds.

3. Is upload or download speed more important for gaming?

Download speeds are critical for streaming video and game updates, both of which require the continuous download of enormous amounts of data.

Upload speeds are more important for applications like video chat, Twitch streaming, and uploading videos to YouTube or TikTok.


So you've known what download and upload speed is good for gaming?  and tips on how to increase our Internet speed. Now, take your gameplay to the next level. Cheers!

Rating:4.4 - 55Votes


  1. user_avatar

    Jeffrey Brown

    When referring to the internet speed for fast online gaming, does it mean the download speed?

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      No, we include both. But the main part in online gaming is ping, which refers to the time data transferred from pc to server and from server to pc

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  2. user_avatar

    Vincent Allen

    Is it worth upgrading from 100mbps to 300mbps download speed of the internet for gaming?

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      It will make your downloads complete a little faster, but for actual gaming it’s unlikely to make much of a difference. The key factor is not so much bandwidth as latency

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