What is a good ping speed for gaming? Is 0 ping good or bad?

Dec 23, 2021 - Views: 6173

Rating:4.9 - 51Votes

Measured in milliseconds (ms), ping time or latency lets us know how much time it takes for a data packet to travel to a receiver and then for the receiver to respond. 

That’s “what is ping ms”? 

In online gaming, good ping is very crucial for smooth gaming experiences. 

So, why is ping important for gaming? 

What is a fast ping speed

Is 0 ping good or bad? 

Right below here are the answers to all of these questions. 

Let’s check out right now!

What is a good ping speed for gaming?

Why is ping important for online gaming?

A good ping extremely matters to successful online gaming. 

Gaming experiences on a high ping and a low ping latency can be massively different. 

Higher pings in gaming mean more time it takes to send and receive signals from a game server. 

A player with high ping is likely to encounter more lag in the communication with the game.

Input delays as well as other server glitches can occur as a result of high ping latency in gaming.

Conversely, a lower ping means a faster reaction time, allowing gamers to better engage in the game, especially when it comes to games requiring fast reaction. 

In short, the better the ping number, the faster the connection, the smoother the gaming experience, and the more advantages the players can expect over their competitors. 

Lower pings are always better

What is a good ping speed for gaming?

So, what is a fast ping for your online gaming? 

Well, it’s hard to tell exactly since it depends on the gaming console and the type of game you play. 

But for sure, the lower ping in your ping speed test, the better the connection.

For example, the ping rate of less than 100 ms is considered playable for role-playing games (RPGs), 

While it’s too high for FPS (first-person shooter) games. 

The good ping for FPS games should be less than 20 ms.

In general, the ping speed of 40 ms - 60 ms or lower is what online gamers prefer, while ping rates higher than 100 ms can cause noticeable delays in many games, according to xtrium.com

And ping latency of more than 170 ms is likely to stop your gaming experience. 

Fast ping latency

Fast ping latency




Good ping

First person shooters (FPS)

16 ms

Real-time strategy games

150 ms or less

Role-playing games (RPG)

100 ms or less than

Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games

150 ms or less

Good ping for online games

40 ms - 60 ms or lower


Is 0 ping good or bad?

For gaming or any other activities that require fast reaction time, the lower the ping, the better. 

And 0 ms ping is just like a perfect ping number. 

Zero pings are nothing but the best scenario since it means absolutely no time delay between the transmitter and the receiver, and no time delay between request and response. 

In gaming, zero ping means your device can communicate instantly with a remote server.

That’s the best of the best ping rate. 

But, one more important question here is “Is 0ms ping possible?”. 

For a short answer, well, data takes time to travel, and due to the laws of physics, 

It’s not possible to have zero ping (0 ms ping) between your device and a remote server. 

Zero ping

Zero ping is impossible

How to check ping?

So, what is your ping right now?

Is it good enough for gaming?

Learn how to check ping below. 

Show ping in-game

Go to your game settings and look for a menu like 'Display performance stats' or 'Display network options to get an exact gauge of your network performance unique to the game and server you're playing on. 

Most games, particularly first-person shooters, allow you to monitor your ping and even color code your connection, with 

  • Green being the best. 

  • Yellow, standard. 

  • Red, tragic.

Ping for League of Legends

An online ping speed test

Take an online ping speed test is also a good choice to measure ping ms. 

There are tons of online tools both free and paid that lets you know the current ping after a click.

Some common tools you can try out such as

  • MySpeed 

  • Speedtest Ookla 

  • FAST 

  • Xfinity Speed Test 

  • Meter.net 

Almost ping speed test tools have a simple interface that allows every user can run a test even a newbie.

After a click, users can know the ping speed.

Moreover, more useful information like download speed, upload speed, and jitter is also disclosed.

For example, before enjoying a game match, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit gospeedcheck.com.

Step 2: Click the “GO” button.

Step 3: Wait for results.

To have the most accurate ping result, keep in mind some notices:

  • Turn off VPN before running a test

  • Conduct a test several times per day and take an average

  • Do not run a test at a peak hour

  • Close unnecessary background apps

  • take notice of a router position….

See also: What is ms in ping?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We’ve received hundreds of the same questions related to “What is a good ping speed for gaming?” per day. 

Here are some common questions.

Have a look.

What causes high ping in games?

Here are possible reasons for high ping in games:

  • Slow internet speeds

  • Outdated routers

  • Outdated devices

  • Bandwidth-hogging apps

  • Wifi interferences ( if have)

  • Virus

  • ….

How do I fix high ping in games?

If you are finding effective solutions for high ping in online games, try out these tips below:

  • Check your Internet Speed

  • Restart your Network Devices

  • Use an Ethernet Cable

  • Close the bandwidth eating app

  • Enable Game Mode

  • Use a Gaming VPN

  • ….

Can you get 1 ping?

Ping 1ms is ultra-fast but it is not practically possible due to several factors.

You can try some tips below to get a ping rate as close as 1ms.

  • Close background programs and applications. 

  • Temporarily disable updates. ...

  • Use an ethernet cord

  • Remove other devices from your network.

  • Check the game server's ping. 

  • Select a gamer server closest to you.

  • Adjust your frame rate. 

  • Upgrade your router.

Closing thoughts

A good ping is so crucial for your smooth gaming experiences. Without a good ping, high chances are that you will encounter lag during the games. What is a good ping speed for gaming? Though different games require different ping rates, try to aim for the lowest possible ping so that you can enjoy the game seamlessly. And that’s all for this blog post; hope you found it helpful.

Rating:4.9 - 51Votes


  1. user_avatar

    Tessa Taylor

    I’ll say 1 ms ping is great but it really doesn’t matter if you want to have smooth online gaming

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      Yes, some game genres like RTS or MMO just require a ping of 150 ms or less

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    Nicholas Stewart

    Ping is necessary for gaming, as you said. But how about streaming?

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      You'll neeed a fast internet connection with low latency to stream video smoothly. Your connection may have severe lags if your latency is more than 100 ms and result in frequent buffering on websites like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu.

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    Jacob Norman

    What's considered bad ping?

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      => Hi Jacob, a ping of 150 ms or above is considered "high ping" in gaming and is less desirable

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    Frances Newman

    Thanks a lot for this insightful information.

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      Thank you.

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    Robert Gray

    I was hoping this article was going to provide more details of tips for fixing high ping in gaming

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      Don't worry, you can find the answer in our post titled "How to improve ping in games?"

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