The FAA is no longer concerned with SpaceX’s Starship SN9 and SN8

Mar 06, 2021 - Views: 973

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The FAA (The Federal Aviation Administration) has just ended the investigation and seemed satisfied with its results. The investigation was about the last two SpaceX Starship tests of billionaire Elon Musk, each of which ended in an explosive crash, and then the conclusion of those investigations would open the way for a new SN10 flight in the very near future. Also, this is a good new for you to choose internet plans for home. In fact, Musk just tweeted that there is a “good chance of flying this week!”

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The FAA is no longer concerned with SpaceX’s Starship SN9 and SN8

Late Jan 2021, the news was launched that SpaceX had violated its launch license with its Starship SN8 launch in December, but according to an FAA spokesperson that wrote on CNN, the matter has already been addressed.

As for the SN9, which similarly exploded during a landing attempt on February 2nd, the FAA says it “failed within the bounds of the FAA safety analysis” and “its unsuccessful landing and explosion did not endanger the public or property.”

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There is no official announcement for the day when the Starship SN10 might launch, however, Boca Chica is already preparing for “non-flight testing activities” by closing the local highway and beach on Monday, which some are interpreting to mean a static fire test.

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NASASpaceflight journalist BocaChicaGal has been following progress at the launch site closely and seems like a stellar follow if you would like to keep tabs as well. In Elon Musk’s tweet earlier, he thinks that there is a 60 percent chance of the SN10 actually landing. The opportunity is more than 50%, can it really land? Let’s wait for a good result of another fast internet connection speed together.

>>> Stay tuned for the latest news at

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