Picture-in-picture YouTube Is Now Available for iOS users

Jun 24, 2021 - Views: 1847

Rating:4.7 - 50Votes

What’s New in Picture-in-Picture Youtube?

Picture-in-picture Youtube is finally on its way, allowing iOS free users to keep consuming content in the background. 

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With the new feature, users are able to exit the YouTube app while still playing their video on a smaller screen remaining on screen. 

This differs from the previous minimize option, which allowed users to reduce the size of their current video while remaining exploring within the YouTube app.

picture-in-picture youtube

Picture in Picture Mode Youtube iOS 14

Picture-in-picture Youtube Key Features

According to MacRumors, the Picture-in-picture Youtube feature is rolling out for  Premium subscribers first. But it will be available to all users soon.

As a non-paying YouTube user, what thrills me about PIP is that I'll be able to utilize it as a temporary workaround for streaming music for free. Only YouTube Premium customers may currently listen to music on YouTube using Background Play, which allows you to close the app and still hear the audio even while the screen is off.

Also read: YouTube is the most popular social media platform in the US this year

This workaround isn't ideal now, though: Picture-in-picture Youtube will simply shrink the screen, not fully close the program, allowing you to listen to music in the background. So you'd have to work around the small screen with your phone, but that doesn't sound too horrible.

The power drain and data consumption problems are much more bothersome. Even on a small screen, keeping the video playing would soon drain an iPhone's battery.

And if you're doing it without access to WiFi, your data cost will quickly go up. You'd also have to disable any Power Save options, and the always-on screen wouldn't work well with the inside of a pocket.

picture-in-picture youtube

Activar Picture in Picture Youtube iOS 14

My Personal Thoughts about Picture-in-picture YouTube 

As I already stated, it isn't ideal, but I am willing to overlook it. I use YouTube to watch certain stuff like vloggers, tutorials, and occasionally celebrity interviews that I can only get on the platform.

I'm primarily an aural learner, thus I like to listen to these films rather than watch them. And, because I'm often distracted, I'd like to be able to watch my favorite videos while doing other things on my phone without having to pay for YouTube Premium.

I don't frequently desire to stream music from YouTube, but I appreciate that PIP allows me to do so. Finally, I'm excited to play around with different apps while watching a vlog half-heartedly. Just what I needed: another way to feed my phone addiction!

    Rating:4.7 - 50Votes



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