How to update Arris surfboard in 1 minute? Follow 7 simple steps

Nov 04, 2022 - Views: 9794

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The time will come to update router firmware on Surfboard whether you bought your Arris router through your internet service provider or on your own.

There is no need to be afraid of these kinds of changes, yet regrettably many individuals are.

This post will explain how to update arris surfboard.

Even for unskilled users, the firmware update procedure is straightforward and shouldn't present any issues.

Guide on how to update Arris suftboard

How to update Arris Surfboard firmware?

Does router update firmware on its own?

If the firmware updates itself, why do I need to do it? 

Many individuals are perplexed by this question, especially those who own Arris surfboards.

Just so you know, the majority of modern advanced routers have the ability to update themselves.

It will actually update at a time that is most convenient for its customers, such as late at night, when everyone is asleep, or when usage is at its lowest.

Not all routers, nevertheless, have been built and designed in this way. 

So, what does a firmware upgrade actually do?

Arris router update firmware on its own

Arris Surfboard firmware update on its own

Are Automatic Updates Available for Arris Routers?

When your model is more obscure or an older model, manually updating the router can occasionally become time-consuming.

The majority of gadgets have automatic updates, however, routers do not.

It can take some time for the Arris surfboard firmware update to reach your router because certain ISPs, including AT&T, push firmware upgrades to its modems gradually.

If the router used by your ISP is an Arris type, manually updating the software presents entirely new challenges.

Contact your ISP to confirm that you can install the firmware version you intend to use because it may not enable you to use the most recent router firmware.

If you purchased your own Arris router, no automatic Arris update functions are available.

Are Automatic Updates Available for Arris Routers?

Are automatic update available for Arris routers?

Why do I need to update Arris surfboard?

Many people don't really understand what the Arris firmware update is for, especially those who aren't tech-savvy.

Everyone benefits from firmware, which is a permanent software that can only be read.

It is frequently the type of software installed on routers, cameras, or other "read-only" hardware.

Your router's operating system, or firmware, manages all of its functionality. Because firmware is "lower level" than other software, updates are infrequent.

These Arris modem updates, however, significantly alter the firmware and enhance the system practically in every way.

Because the update Arris firmware also fixes security problems, updating your router's firmware is just as crucial as updating any other software you own.

Fix bugs

Bugs are defects, faults, or errors in a program that can lead to incorrect results.

Your Arris router may display a few bugs, sluggish connections, incorrect setups, etc. if its firmware is out of current.

Fix bugs

Fix bugs

Enable new features and functionalities

Changing the firmware on your Arris router might benefit you even more by adding new features and functions that you'll unquestionably want to employ.

Make better and tightened security

Hackers and online thieves are yet another important reason to update Arris router to the most recent version.

They might have devised a means of breaking into the configuration of the outdated firmware.

By doing Arris surfboard update firmware, they would have to break into it once more, which would take time.

Make better and tightened security

Make better and tightened security

Optimize the hardware’s performance

Last but not least, Arris update firmware will continuously improve and enhance its performance.

It can, among other things, make your router work and operate more quickly.

These are just a few of the most frequent justifications for updating your router's firmware.

If you're a more tech-savvy person or you should have a better comprehension of it, you may have your own justifications.

Optimize the hardware’s perfomance

Optimize the hardware’s perfomance

Read more:

What if I am using one of discontinued routers?

Arris no longer supports or manufactures certain Arris router models. 

If you use one of these, you most likely obtained it from your internet service provider, so get in touch with them for assistance.

It's likely that the firmware for your router was created expressly to meet the needs of the service provider, who also offers the updates.

What if I am using one of the discontinued routers?

What if I am using one of the discontinued routers?

How to update Arris surfboard?

The directions and procedures for updating your router will differ depending on the brand in an effort to be uncommon, distinctive, and aesthetically pleasing.

Although the user interfaces (UI), designs, and styles of various companies vary, the steps involved in updating or installing newer firmware aren't dissimilar.

How to update surfboard modem? Here's a quick guide to update router firmware on Surfboard:

Log into your router

Logging into the interface where you may do an arris firmware update is the first thing you need to do.

Follow these steps to do arris router update:

  • Open a tab or window in your browser.

  • In the address box, enter "" without the quotations.

  • Enter the login information. The following are the default credentials if you haven't set one up:

User name: admin

Password: password

  • Choose log in.

Log into your router

Log into your router

Find out the router’s firmware version

To update Arris surfboard firmware, you need to determine what firmware version you're using and whether an update is even necessary once within the web-based GUI.

Click on Product information from the Status menu.

Find out the router’s firmware version

Find out the router’s firmware version

Download the latest firmware update

The next thing you should do is download the most recent version of your Arris router if you discover that the firmware version you are using is not the most recent or updated one.

You can do this by going to Support on the Arris website. 

Select the most recent and updated firmware version, then click Download.

Make sure the firmware you're downloading is the most recent version that is compatible with your present router before you start.

Downloading the incorrect one will be useless, so be careful.

Download the latest firmware update

Download the latest firmware update

Upload the downloaded firmware to the router

How to update modem firmware Arris? You must upload the file you just downloaded to the router interface in order to install the firmware update.

This is how to do it:

  • Select Status from the Setup page on the router's interface.

  • From the drop-down menu, select Router Upgrade.

  • Navigate to the file you just downloaded by selecting Browse.

  • Choose Upgrade, then confirm.

  • The file will be installed after being uploaded. Don't turn the router off until the upload is finished.

Upload the downloaded firmware to the router

Upload the downloaded firmware to the router

Install the firmware update

After you upload the file, the installation will continue automatically.

Don't switch off the router before it restarts itself because it will restart after the update.

Check the firmware version once again after installing.

Verify that it has changed to the installation's new version.

Install it once more if it hasn't already.

Reboot the router

The final step in how to update Arris router is to reboot the router. 

Some Arris models resume upon the update's conclusion.

Manually restart it if yours doesn't.

Before turning the router back on, switch it off and wait a while.

Reboot the router

Reboot the router

Login after reboot to confirm the update

You made an Arris modem firmware update. 

If you wish to validate it, log into the GUI once again using the identical procedures you used at the beginning of the procedure, and look at the firmware version you're currently using.

The firmware version you're currently using

The firmware version you're currently using

In case you try to update Arris surfboard but it doesn’t work as you expect, think about purchasing a new one.

If you don’t have enough time, consider buying another model we listed below as they are among the best ones in the market these days:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I check the firmware on my Arris SURFboard?

Find the Firmware Version under the Software Menu.

Type into the address bar and hit Enter. 

It will show the https:// Redirect page. 

To continue, click the Proceed button. 

The SURFboard Web Manager is being switched to a more secure connection.

How can I tell if my router’s firmware needs to be updated?

The most straightforward approach is to use the router's mobile app, which typically has a check for updates option. (Each brand has its own specific term for the menu or setting.) 

You can also check out the web application for your router, which is accessed by entering an IP address, often or

How long does it take for an Arris modem to update?

Switch off the router while not in use. 

Your router will restart after the upload is finished. 

An update typically takes three to five minutes to complete.


The method for upgrading mentioned above is fairly comparable to how other router makers set it up. This document has all the information you need if you're attempting to figure out how to update arris surfboard. It only takes a few taps and clicks to say goodbye to an outdated firmware version.

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