Do routers increase internet speed: Signs you may need a new router

Jan 26, 2024 - Views: 749

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Do routers increase internet speed? Does getting a better router increase internet speed? Does having 2 routers increase internet speed?

The importance of the router: Would a better router increase internet speed?

Now, let’s learn about the importance of the router and find out the answer to this question: “does a router increase internet speed?

There are different reasons causing your internet connection to perform poorly and slowly. Along with other reasons such as too much internal network traffic, Internet Service Provider (ISP) problems, …, your router is also one of the common factors causing slow and unstable internet connection.

How important is the router?

How important is the router?

As its name suggests, this device works to route the internet around an area. The router is just like a connection point between our devices and the internet network outside. For any devices needed to go online, it has to get accessed to a router first. As a result, the poor performance of the router can lead to poor internet performance. That’s why many people wonder “will a faster router increase internet speed” or “will router increase internet speed.

As you can see, the router always has great importance for good and stable internet connection. Without the good performance of your router, it’s hard for your devices to get the full speed of the internet. 

So, will a better router increase internet speed? Will buying a new router increase my internet speed? Well, having a new router, in many cases, might help speed up your internet a lot. 

Now you know “will a good router increase internet speed,” right? So, when do you need a new router? Keep reading on to know common signs letting you know your router needs replacing and “how will a router increase my internet speed.”

An internet router

An internet router

Possible signs that you may want to consider having a new router

Here are 07 signs that you may need a new router. Let’s see what they are now!

It is important to note that whatever the signs are or whenever you notice unusual things happening to your internet connection and router, you should contact your ISP, a tech store, or a repair shop nearby to ask about your problem. This way, you will understand the issue, and know what to do next: buying new or repairing the current one or whatever else.

Slow down

When you find that your network speed is suddenly so slow, especially if it still operated well yesterday and the days before that, then your router may be a possible source of the problem. In case your connection suddenly stops operating when there are no unusual impacts, well, it’s also a sign you should notice.

To check the problem, you should speed check network connection by performing some speed tests first to see how slow your internet speed really is. If you find it much slower than usual and there’s no device on your network hogging all of the bandwidth, then there is a possibility that your router is going bad. (Of course, in addition to the router, there might be also other causes behind a slowing down connection.)

No Internet Connection

No Internet Connection

Intermittent connectivity 

There is nothing more frustrating than going online with an intermittent connection. Intermittent connectivity will make you experience the internet this way: One moment your connection seems so good and you engage in online activities smoothly, and then the next thing is that your network drops and you see the notification, “No Internet Connection.”

But just after a while, your internet goes on again. That cycle keeps on repeating over and over again, making you aren’t able to finish any task without running out of patience. The intermittent connection is a sign that you might need to replace your router.

But before that, you should try moving your router to a more optimal location, where there are minimal to no physical obstacles. After that, speed check the network connection by running some speed tests to see if this quick fix helps increase internet speed and make it more stable or not. If the issue does not go away, the problem may lie within the router.



Overheating router

Most routers are built to withstand minor impacts and heat as well. But, routers that have been used for 3 to 5 years or even longer can get overheating during usage. Well, if you have been using your router longer than that average lifespan, and it breaks down all suddenly, it's likely that its internal components stop working because of heat.

In this case, you should unplug your router and move it to a location where the airflow is good, or you can try placing a fan pointing at your router and see if the issue is improved. However, it’s better to consider having a newer router if your current device seems outdated and gets overheated.

Router’s indicator lights

Router’s indicator lights

Faulty indicator lights

Another way to determine whether your router still performs well or not is through its indicator lights. In case the router is working well, most of its indicator lights are blinking or remain continuously lit.

But when you can access the Internet and don’t see any lights on the router, well, there must be something unusual for your device. Normally, the indicator lights on the router should always be illuminated even when there are no devices connected to the network.

If you find that there is something wrong or unusual with your router’s indicator lights, try performing basic fixing like rebooting the device, and removing and reinserting cables to proper ports. If the problem doesn’t go away, you should contact your ISP or contact a repair shop nearby to repair the router or even buy a new one. 

Getting a new router?

Getting a new router?

See also: Will adding another router increase internet speed?

A complete breakdown of the router

When a complete breakdown occurs and your router can’t function anymore, of course, that is the tangible sign that you need to replace it. When this happens, your router is not responsive to whatever buttons you are pressing or its indicator lights are not illuminated to indicate that it is working.

In this case, you should check and make sure that the connector wires and cables linking to your PC and modem are inserted into their respective ports properly. Don’t forget to be sure that the power source is working properly.

After doing these steps but the router still doesn’t function, then it must be truly broken. If that’s the case, well, speed check network connection does not matter anymore here. 

Well, will a new router increase my internet speed in this case? Yep, it definitely will. And what you should do here is to either repair or replace the router. 

Consider getting a newer router if your device is outdated

Consider getting a newer router if your device is outdated

Lack of support to your newer devices

The technology we are using is evolved day by day. Many ISPs are upgrading their systems and services to deliver stronger internet speed. Similarly, new tech devices with new chips and internal parts are also coming on the market more and more.

However, if your current router was bought a few years ago and you find most of your gadgets hard to get full internet speed, then the router seems so outdated and what you should do here is to get a new one for a better internet experience.

Fast internet connection

Fast internet connection

See also: Does a wifi booster increase internet speed?

Do routers increase internet speed: Conclusion

Can a new router increase internet speed? Yep, it can. Above are common signs that your router no longer functions properly and should be repaired or replaced. Along with the things mentioned above, there are still other signs that you might need to have a new router. However, whatever the signs are, you should always make sure that the problems lie in your router.

Once again, when you notice there is something wrong with your internet connection and your router, you should contact your ISP, or a tech store, or a repair shop nearby to ask about your problem so that you will understand the issue, and know what to do next, buying new or repairing the current one or whatever else. 

That’s all about “will a router increase internet speed” and possible signs that you might want to have a new router; hope that this article provided you with useful and interesting information that helps you get a better internet experience. The next post will be about “do wifi boosters increase internet speed”; let’s check it out now!

See also: Does increasing internet speed increase bandwidth?

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