Columbus: Rural areas work to provide internet connection to students

Apr 17, 2021 - Views: 1183

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes

fastest internet connection speed

Rural areas work to provide internet connectivity to students

According to the latest announcement, 4-County’s FastNet fiber services will be available and installed in families in Noxubee County.

For the school system, this internet service offers another potential option for the fastest internet connection speed as possible in the classroom.

Having internet connection services can be a good new for everyone both students and teachers. For students, missing assignments and deadlines soon will not be an excuse.

When talking about this issue, the 8th-grade teacher Jackie Hill said that they needed it. It was a necessity.

Besides, Hill is surprised to know that the 4-County’s FastNet broadband services will expand to her area.

She said that the demand for internet connectivity has not just been since the pandemic. It has become a great need for a while. She thought they kind of get left out because they were a rural area.

For years, Hill has watched students struggle to complete classroom assignments due to the internet access problem. Scholars would have little to no internet connectivity.

Hill said Students were falling further and further behind. Those students would not finish assignments on Monday.

Noxubee County Schools installed WIFI hotspots throughout the district for students. Therefore, the Internet connections can be delayed.

” A lot of the networks did not know the capacity they had to utilize the internet that every student in our district is on wifi virtual learning,” said Coordinator of Professional Development, Dr. Khristy Franklin.

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The student would not be able to finish those assignments until Wednesday. It would entirely push that lesson back, which would throw the entire lesson plan behind, said Hill.

In a rural area, the productivity rate can be influenced a lot when internet services are not available.

” Just being in our community, we won’t have to pull one service or system at once. We’ll have a variety, so it will be easier to eliminate the stress on one stream of internet usage,” said Franklin.

“Those kids seem to be backward while other kids are going forward steadily. Not by anything that’s their fault. The reason is just having no good connectivity enough, said Hill.

FastNet construction for Noxubee County is for Fall 2023.

Administrators will continue to provide hotspots for students upon request.

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes



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