What is an Average Ping and How to Check Ping within Seconds?

Sep 07, 2021 - Views: 7666

Rating:4.8 - 52Votes

What is an average ping?

Have you ever had to take forever to load a website?

Do you experience intermittent lag when playing online games?

Try a ping test to test your network speed because that is one of the main causes of this annoying situation. 

So how to test ping? Let's find out!

What is ping speed?

Ping refers to the time it takes for a remote device to respond to your ping request. It is measured in milliseconds (ms). The more time is, the slower ping will be. 

What is ping in a speed test?

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping command requires a particular destination.

 The location of that destination, which is usually a server or router, affects your response time.

The ping test shows whether or not there is data packet loss within the network, thus helping us to know if the two devices on the line are connected or not.

A single ping is affected by a variety of factors, including server load and network congestion; this is why Windows' ping instructions emit four additional pings. 

Also see: Whats a good ping rate

What is an average ping?

Most broadband connections have average ping times of 100 milliseconds or below.

If you get within this range, you should have no difficulty streaming your videos or making a video call.  

However, the average internet ping varies according to the activities involved. 

What is ping the internet?

It's also crucial that your ping meets the requirements of the service you're attempting to use.

To avoid bottlenecks, some services, such as DNS or gaming, require specific ping times.

Because a variety of factors influence your personal ping times, you should calculate a ping based on pings to several high-profile servers.

The ping rate to Facebook, Google, and Yahoo, for example, should give you a good estimate of your typical ping.

In online gaming: 

  • Pings of less than 20 milliseconds are regarded as exceptional and low ping.

  • Pings of 50 to 100 milliseconds are considered good to average.

  • Pings of 150 milliseconds or more are termed high ping.

Determine good ping

Because pings are affected by server demand and your own connection, you should run many ping tests in different locations.

Poor ping results from a variety of other well-maintained servers, for example, indicate that the issue is with your connection.

Determine good ping

However, if a single server provides bad ping statistics, it's no doubt that the server is the source of the problem.

The ping should be interpreted as the average response time of popular Web servers to your pings.

How to measure ping?

Pick one of the online ping speed test tools and check network performance in different rooms and at different times. 

One of the most popular websites is gospeedcheck.com.

This site provides you with not only download and upload speed but also ping time with a high level of accuracy. 

It's completely free and simple to check your ping speed.

What is ping in a speed test?

It is noted that for your initial test, use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer or games console to your Hub and run your ping test to test packet loss.

Go to the Gospeedcheck.com website and hit the “Go” button.

Your ping rate will be measured and displayed on the screen within a few seconds.

Unplug your cable after that and retake the test around your house to observe how the numbers change.

This will show you where your gaming setup can receive the fastest internet connection while also giving you an idea of ​​your ping.

Apart from Gospeedcheck.com, you can also use SpeedTest.net or SpeedOf.me for checking ping speed.

What is a high ping speed?

High ping time is not preferred.

Ping speeds are different from those of a few other technological devices in that the higher the speed, the greater the lag.

Ping speeds of 150 milliseconds or above are generally undesirable and extremely difficult to deal with. 

Such high ping speeds can provide a huge latency disadvantage in online gaming, affect your reaction time and give your opponent a significant advantage.

See more: What is ping on Wifi?

Why is the ping so high?

One of the following factors could cause your high to be ping:

Tips for checking and reducing your ping


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is ping speed?
Ping speed is the measurement of how fast a remote device to react to one’s ping request. The unit for measuring ping speed is milliseconds (ms).
What is an average ping?
Pings between 50 and 100 milliseconds are the average ping speed for most broadband connections.
How to measure ping
You can check network performance of your internet with online ping speed test tools like MySpeed. Go to the Gospeedcheck.com website and hit the “Go” button. You’ll get the result within seconds.

The bottom line

Now you've got the answer for “what is average ping” and how to check ping. The term may appear to be tough to grasp. When properly understood, though, average ping may make a huge impact on your real-time experience!

Rating:4.8 - 52Votes
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    Calvin Johnson

    Thank you for providing such a wealth of information

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      You are welcome

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    Andre Barrett

    Is there only one way to test ping?

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      Good question there. Using a speed test site is just the most common way. If you like, you can use cmd to test your ping

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    Elliot Barrett

    Really needed this. Great content and great visual. So cute info

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      Glad you like it

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    Xavier Watson

    I've read your site for a year now. And your content consistently exceeds my expectations and is beneficial, I am always looking forward to it.

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      Thank you 👍

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    Delaney Brown

    Is my ping of 76 good for gaming?

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      Ping is vital for a smooth gameplay. 76 ms is considered good to average

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