MySpeed Blog

Tips, guide, info about speed test, website test, Chrome extensions, mobile apps

MySpeed blog brings to the table useful information, tips, guides,... relating to speed tests, website tests, extensions, internet connections in order to help you have a good network performance. Visiting our blog regularly, you not only know what problem your connection has but also can save money, time to solve easy network problems without calling the customer service.

Happy Halloween

Explore thousands of sweet and spooktacular products for tricks and treats.

Halloween is just around the corner and if you are looking for perfect Halloween gifts for lovers this special holiday, you're in the right place. We've curated lots of great Halloween items that make recipients surprised or even scared. Besides, we also found out best Amazon deals to help you make the haunted house, or spooky party at the cheapest costs. Let's enjoy a spooktacular day with these good findings below:

Explore all HOT HALLOWEEN DEALS on Amazon here. Be an intelligent shopper with MySpeed.



WiFi Microwave Explained: How Does a Microwave Kill the WiFi Signal?

A microwave oven is a daily home appliance, but do you know it is killing your Wifi signal? Read more about wifi microwave in this article!
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view Oct 01, 2020

Do you know Bluetooth is affecting the Wifi signal strength?

Does Bluetooth really impact the Wifi signal strength? Have you ever met a weak Wifi connection’s signal situation while listening to music via Bluetooth speaker? Or maybe your Wifi speed becomes worse when you turn on your Bluetooth mouse or keyboard?
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view Oct 01, 2020

What is a good upload speed and download speed? & How much you need?

It’s true, the COVID-19 outbreak has wreaked havoc on the world. Working from home may seem more like a necessity than an expectation. Whatever situation you find yourself in, we’re here to help you by providing some basic information about the Internet speed needed for online activities while working at home
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view Sep 28, 2020

What is a good internet download and upload speed? Let’s check out!

Running download upload speed test and receiving very good results, wow, that’s perhaps what we all look for when testing our internet connection. But do you know how many Mbps internet is considered good results? Check out this article to find out “what is a good download and upload speed for internet.” Here we go!
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view Sep 28, 2020

Speed check online: Wifi or LAN is better?

Nowadays, the Internet has become more popular and is used widely all over the world. Speed check online is a useful and convenient tool to test internet performance. Therefore, through this tool, the article below will compare wired network and wireless network
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view Sep 28, 2020

5 Best Internet Speed Test App for Windows 10 to Tell Your Internet Status

Check out these 5 Inter­net speed test apps for Win­dows 10 if you suspect whether your ISP is providing the committed Internet speeds.
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view Sep 25, 2020

How to solve SLOW internet problem? 5 factors affecting wifi speed

Do you get the speed check wifi result which presents the slow internet? How to solve slow internet problem? This is a question you should take notice of. Because, according to a study by Epitiro, a UK-based research firm, it was found that customers lose, on average
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view Sep 25, 2020

How to run speed tests on mobile devices the right way?

Running mobile speed tests is the easiest and quickest way to know if the internet connection on mobile devices is strong enough for you to engage in online activities. What an essential test! Let’s check out this article to know how to run speed tests on mobile devices the right way.
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view Sep 24, 2020

Why is my download speed SUDDENLY so slow: 8+ common reasons [UPDATED]

Why is my download speed suddenly so slow? Click now if you're experiencing PAINFULLY slow Internet speeds as 8+ primary reasons will be reviewed here!
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view Sep 24, 2020

What should my download and upload speed be for Zoom, Skype & TrueConf?

Like gaming, online study requires good Internet speed. So what should my download and upload speed be for Zoom, Skype & TrueConf? Let's get started!
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view Sep 24, 2020