What is a wifi only tablet? What are advantages of wifi only tablet?

Oct 12, 2022 - Views: 1257

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes

Your wifi only tablet gives you various benefits. What is a wifi only tablet? How can you get the most out of it? Let’s explore in the article below!

What Is Wifi? 

What is wifi? It uses radio frequency signals wirelessly to connect devices such as computers, printers, and smartphones to the Internet. A signal can be received by any wireless-enabled device, such as a laptop or tablet, within a certain distance in any direction.

Because of broadcasting the signals, any wireless device can access your wifi network. 

This can reduce your Internet speed and cause the interference of various clients. How do I find out what the unknown device is on my wifi? The identifying way depends on whether or not there is a screen. 

You can easily access your IP address from your phone, tablet, PC, and laptop. Go to network settings and search until you find it.

What is wifi - how does it work?

What is wifi - how does it work?

What Is A Wifi Only Tablet? 

What is a wifi tablet? It refers to a tablet that use only wifi for internet connection, but not cellular.

What is wifi only tablet?

What is wifi only tablet?

Advantages Of Wifi Only Tablet

Get A Mobile Hotspot

Wifi only tablet allows you to pick up a mobile hotspot from the local wireless network without cellular data. This gives you a faster speed and reliable Internet access. You can run a wifi speed test on your tablet to check access speed when enabling the wifi only mode. 

Create a wifi hotspot with wifi only a tablet

Create a wifi hotspot with wifi only a tablet

Preload Books And Magazines 

Tablet allows you to carry large reading material amounts without weighing the bag. 

If you leave your town (or go to the gym, or take the train for your work), preload magazines and books on your Wifi only tablet to read them in your spare time without an internet connection. 

Preload to read books or magazines on your tablet

Preload to read books or magazines on your tablet

Make A Call Or Send A Text

You can call or send a message on your tablet with the wifi only mode. It is useful to connect your device to the Internet for calling or texting without a mobile data plan. 

Make a call or send a message with a tablet

Make a call or send a message with a tablet

Use Offline Maps

If you want to use Google Maps, you can download it from the mobile page and use its offline version on your tablet. You can check offline Google Maps to look for where you want to go without an Internet connection.

Use Google Offline Maps 

Use Google Offline Maps 

Optimize Offline Games

Try a games-optimized tablet that doesn’t ask for wifi only. Mobile games are hot these days, but the hottest ones always require a constant data connection. You can play social games such as Zynga’s FarmVille or Words with friends on your device with the wifi only mode. 

Optimize offline games on your tablet device

Optimize offline games on your tablet device

Transfer Files With Other Devices 

Using apps with a wireless connection allows you to share files on your tablet to your computer with ease. Some apps such as Wifi Files or Wifi Explorer Pro can help you do this when setting them up on your wifi only tablet. 

Share files from a tablet to other wireless devices 

Share files from a tablet to other wireless devices 


If you see or use a tablet, you can easily define “What is a wifi only tablet?”. The wifi only mode provides useful functions for your device to use the unlimited wireless network. It is also cheaper than a 4G tablet.  

Related: What is 160mhz wifi?


Reference Websites: 



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