“First 24 hours” metric is now available on YouTube Analytics

Jan 20, 2021 - Views: 1590

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes

YouTube is making it possible for the creators to measure how their videos perform in the first 24 hours after being published.

YouTube now provides a very new metric allowing creators to analyze and measure the performance of a video within its first 24 hours. This kind of data was previously never available to Youtube’s video creators. But now, it can be accessed right in YouTube creator studio’s video analytic sections. 

bandwidth hogging

YouTube is making it possible to measure how a video performs in its very first 24 hours

YouTube “First 24 hours” data

To retrieve “First 24 hours” data on YouTube, you just need to click the “First 24 hours” option from the date picker in the top right-hand corner. After that, a full set of data gathered from the first 24 hours of the video will be displayed on your screen.

Right from the start, there will be a summary that quickly informs you of the number of 24 hours views and how that compares to previous videos’ performance. As scrolling down the screen, you will see the total watch time accumulated by the video in the first 24 hours after going public. 

The data also shows how many subscribers that the creator gained or lost during that time, as well as how much revenue earned if the video is monetized.

Along with these, the “First 24 hours” also gives creators the ability to compare data of 2 videos side-by-side, which is so useful to analyze and measure how good a video is. 

Is YouTube “First 24 hours” data available for all published videos?

No, it’s not available for all published videos! 

Data collected from the first 24 hours of a video on YouTube will be available for every newly published video. Historical data is only available for videos that were published from 2019 forward, while videos published before 2019 will not have the data of the first 24 hours view. 

YouTube “First 24 hours” data will not also be available for live streams as they have their set of analytics. 

See also: Bandwidth hogging: Top things eating up a lot of internet bandwidth



Rating:4.6 - 50Votes



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