Apr 03, 2021 - Views: 4043

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When smartphones have been developing dramatically with many impressive features, people also depend on cellphones more. Therefore, having a low cell phone signal can cause some troubles to users. According to a report, nearly 75% of Americans occasionally drop calls and get a low cell phone signal. What are the popular reasons for this case? Let’s discover them in the article.

cell phone signal


9 reasons why cell phone signal suddenly goes bad

You are surfing the Internet on your living room couch, walking in your neighborhood, or sitting in your car waiting for your kids to get out of school. You want to text or chat on your mobile phone, however, it suddenly drops off your call, or your conversation stutters. Do you often ask yourself why are you always getting a weak cell phone signal and low bars?

1. Heavy Cellular Traffic

Taking the case of that you are sitting in your car to wait for your kid as an illustration. Waiting for kids in front of the school in rush hour traffic, not all but most those are texting or using their cellphones. 

That time, all those cell phone signals are fighting for space on the nearest cell phone tower. Of course, if there are only you who connect to a tower, you will be unlikely to lose your call. However, the more phones trying to fight for a spot, the weaker your signal can become and a low mobile data speed test result is certain.

Moreover, if your call is transferred to a tower that is already full, your call could be dropped.

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However, more phones trying to fights for a spot, the weaker your signal can become and a low mobile data speedtest result is a certain

2. Building Materials: What Building Materials Prevent Cell Phone Signal?

It can sound strange but building materials can block cell phone singal. Materials used to construct your house, building, cars or run-of-the-mill shopping mall are the number one culprit for weaker signals in America, especially, metal and new-fangled tinted, low-E glass.

In detail, Low‑e glass contains metal or is covered by a metallic film that prevents most electromagnetic (EM) radiation from passing through the glass, reduces the amount of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation (heat energy) that enters the building, but still let visible light pass through.  Nowadays, this material is used in a wide range in order to prevent transmission into or out of the highly-secure buildings.

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The Low-E glass contains metal or is covered by a metallic film that prevents most EM radiation reduces the amount of UV and heat energy that enters the building, but still let visible light pass-through

Therefore, you can take notice of poor speedtest Mobile results, service fading in and out when you are around your home, some kinds of buildings. Or when you stand near a window or a door, it seems to have a better signal. That time, it is likely your smartphone signal is blocked by metal. 

3. Low Battery: Can Low or Faulty Cell Battery Influence Cell Reception?

Your phone is low battery and if you have been putting off charging your phone battery, it is likely you see a weak signal when you need it most. The reason is that your phone needs the energy to keep a connection with a cell tower, and when its battery is low, its capability reduces.

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Your phone is low battery and if you have been putting off charging your phone battery, it is likely you see a weak signal when you need it most

4. Does Weather Elements Affect Cell Service?

There are many objective factors that can influence cell phone signal, weather can too. During the process of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves, weather phenomena such as humidity, heavy cloud cover, thunder, lightning, wind, rain, snow, and ice can interfere. They can make signal transmission break or deviate directions.

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There are many objective factors that can influence cell phone signal, weather can too

In indirect influencing ways, weather elements such as floods, storms are able to cause uncontrollable obstacles that weaken, block, and sometimes completely terminate the signal. For example, if a storm with lightning passes away and damages a cell tower when collecting their signal from that tower, their cell phone reception will be weakened or lost. 

5. Are You Blocking Your Own Antenna On Your Cellphone?

In the past, mobile phones were as big as shoe boxes, heavy as well as unwieldy but their signal was pretty consistent. Their exterior antennas play an important role in this thing. They collected and broadcasted signals better due to outside antennas. 

Nowadays, in order to have high aesthetics, phones have antennas embedded inside the phone. Therefore, you can weaken or lose your signal when you are not careful to block the antenna. Depending on your phone model, your embedded antenna position can be different. However, with a little bit of searching, you can find it and should have no trouble avoiding this issue.

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Therefore, you can weaken or lose your signal when you are not careful to block the antenna

6. Mother Nature: Do Trees Affect Cell Phone Reception?

Another ambiance factor affecting cell phone signal we can avoid is mother nature - trees. Do you realize that when you call or use a phone under a large tree or near a grove of trees, the signals become weaker? 

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Another ambiance factor affecting cell phone signal we can avoid is mother nature - trees

The leaf canopy can block some cell signals and result in your call fading or drop altogether. A good piece of advice for you is to cut off large, coniferous trees surrounding your house that are the main cause of a massive drop in your cellular reception.

Furthermore,  there are many people who wonder if snow affects cell phone reception, the answer is yes, it can. Just like other weather elements, snow can adversely affect cell coverage not too clearly but in some ways, your phone signal is able to weaken.

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Furthermore,  there are many people who wonder if snow affects cell phone reception, the answer is yes, it can

7. Hills and Valleys: Why is Cell Service Bad on Hills and Valleys?

A weak Cell phone signal can result from your position. Geographic features are one of the most common reasons for cell signal obstruction. If you live in the high mountainous area where there are a few cell towers or you live on one side of a mountain, and the only cell tower in your area is on the other, getting a good reception is a difficult thing.

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A weak Cell phone signal can result from your position. Geographic features are one of the most common reasons for cell signal obstruction

8. Cosmic Events: Solar Flares and Cell Service

You got a low mobile data speed test result, the reason can be cosmic events. Eruptions on the surface of the sun release lots of gas into the atmosphere and those are things disrupting mobile phone communications. 

Besides, solar flares can produce shock waves that transmit through space. Those waves are able to disrupt the signals collected and broadcast from a satellite, at the same time, they can produce changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. Obviously, your cellular signal will be affected a lot.

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Eruptions on the surface of the sun release lots of gas into the atmosphere and that are things disrupting mobile phone communications

9. Cell Tower Distance

One thing you need to take notice of that the farther away you are from a cell tower, the weaker the signal gets. When you try to connect to a far cell tower, the situation of a "fish tank" voice and the constant say-and-repeat moments will happen. That is dreaded one bar of service.

As a result, you should search and select the nearest cell tower to get the best cell phone signal

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When you try to connect to a far cell tower, the situations of "fish tank" voice and the constant say-and-repeat moments will happen

In addition, each specific service provider has some dead spots or dead zones, you are better to avoid these areas if you want to connect to the Internet well. To find out if your house position is placed or you are spending a lot of time in one of these dead spots, just put in your address or zip code for your carrier:

 AT&T's Cell Tower Map

  • Can search for domestic or international coverage.

  • Enables zoom up to sixteen times magnification.

  • Map data is able to be filtered by voice, data, or prepaid coverage.

  • Locations can be searched by address, postal code, country, or landmark.

Verizon's Cell Tower Map

  • Locations are able to be searched by address, city, or postal code.

  • Supported with an interactive map

  • Enables to zoom up to six times magnification

T-Mobile's Cell Tower Map

  • Allow presenting region and route data for up to five places.

  • Zoom up to eleven times magnification.

  • Locations can be searched by address.

Sprint's Cell Tower Map

  • Map data is able to be filtered by voice, data, or prepaid coverage.

  • Allows to zoom up to twelve times magnification.

  • Allows to search locations by address.

These dead spots or dead zones can happen whenever there is an obstruction between the cell phone signal users and the cell phone tower or simply, a lack of towers. 

Speedtest Mobile

What should I do when receiving a poor speedtest Mobile result? In general, the most popular way people often suggest is to install a cell phone signal booster. Its responsibility is to collect an existing outside cell signal, amplify it, and then distribute the Wifi signal strength inside your home, business, or vehicle. With this device, you just pay money for one time when purchasing it, not pay any recurring fees like other services. 

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A cell phone signal booster takes responsibility for collecting an existing outside cell signal, amplifying it, and then distributing the Wifi signal strength inside your home, business, or vehicle

However, apart from this way, there are still many different ways that will not cost you a dime. Do not go past them. They could be to Update your software, Change your Voice and Data settings, Restart your phone, etc. 

See also:


Your cell phone signals suddenly go bad? The reasons listed above can make you a little bit surprised but that is true and you should have avoided them to get a better connection network. Speed up your internet freedom is not an impossible thing. Let’s try out!

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