What upload speed do I need for gaming? Types of connection for gaming

Mar 07, 2022 - Views: 2611

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Do you know whether your network speed is good or not? What upload speed do I need for gaming? Have you asked this question yourself? All we know is that fast internet speed is important in every online activity and online gaming as well. Thus, not let it become an obstacle to your gaming experience. 

What is good upload speed for gaming?

What is good upload speed for gaming?

What is an upload speed?

Upload speed refers to the speed at which your network connection allows digital data to be delivered to the Internet. It is measured in megabits per second or Mbps that defines the time it takes your devices to send data to others.

Compared to ping and download speed, in online gaming, upload isn’t a huge concern. However, it still impacts your gaming experience somewhat if you don’t have a good speed. 

Upload speed for gaming

Upload speed for gaming

Moreover, if you are playing an online game and stream that on Twitch, for example, you should consider upload speeds more. 

What is a fast upload speed?

According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), it defines an upload speed of around 3 Mbps is a good rate. 

As you play online games, you are constantly transferring data from your PC (or other gaming devices) to the server. Most online games require an internet connection capable of handling this quantity of outgoing data. Sometimes, it just requires upload speed from 0.5 to 1 Mbps.

3 Mbps upload speed is a good rate in online games

3 Mbps upload speed is a good rate in online games

Moreover, “What is fast upload speed?” that is decided based on which gaming genre you’re playing as well as other external factors. 

Is 7 Mbps Upload Speeds Good for Gaming?

Casual gaming with short reaction times ( Blizzard's Hearthstone, Civilisation series, e.g) only needs average upload speeds of 3 to 6Mbps. Fast internet would be required for competitive gaming such as WOW, Fornite, or the Blade and Soul game. 

7 Mbps is good enough to play the WOW game

7 Mbps is good enough to play the WOW game

Take a look at this recommendation by comparing game systems:

  • For a normal home network, a computer requires a maximum ping rate of 100ms, minimum download rates of 3 to 6 Mbps, minimum upload speeds of 2 Mbps, and a total minimum speed of 40 to 60 Mbps.

  • For Xbox, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch: it requires a maximum ping rate of 150ms, a minimum download speed of 3 Mbps, a minimum upload speed of 1Mbps, and a total minimum speed of 40Mbps.

Is 10 Mbps upload speed good enough for multiplayer gaming?

An upload internet speed of 10Mbps, like 7Mbps, will be plenty for most games, but if you’re participating in a competitive game, or if you'll be playing in a multiplayer game on a regular basis, you may need more bandwidth, faster speed.

10 Mbps upload speed good enough or not that replies on the number of players. If there are 6 players and the game requires a minimum of two megabits per second (6 x 2 = 12 megabits per second), the answer is no (10Mbps is not enough for this scenario).

Calculating bandwidth needed for multiplayer gaming

Calculating bandwidth needed for multiplayer gaming

So, the more devices connecting to the same network, the more bandwidth you need to avoid lag. Take an upload speed test to check your current internet speed and make your internet speed enough for online gaming. 

Best types of connections for online gaming

Nowadays, you are common to types of broadband internet including DSL, satellite, cable, and fiber. Which one is suitable for online gaming?

DSL or digital subscriber line is still fine for gaming but it is not the best option. Because this type uses technology for internet access over telephone lines it has some limitations for online games.

DSL connection

DSL connection

Satellite does too. Not only having a high cost but satellite connection also provides unreliable slow internet speed. 

The best type of connection for gamers is fiber-optic lines. It offers the fastest internet connection speed with a stable, reliable connection. However, it has a costly infrastructure and is not available in many areas. However, if you’re living in a state that has Verizon FiOS or Google Fiber, you should absolutely look into your fiber choices.

Fiber-optic connections

Fiber-optic connections

Finally, online gamers often choose cable internet. It's widely accessible, reasonably priced, and fast enough for online multiplayer gaming. This type of connection can not be the best option with some internet issues but they will likely be limited. 

Wrap up

Internet speed can make or break the gaming experience so a fast connection is always essential. How much Mbps upload speed is needed for gaming is determined by some factors. Hope you find your own answer after reading this post as well as choosing the suitable type of connection to climbing the gaming ranks more easily. 

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