Tests of Themed Icons for Facebook and Instagram's Android Apps Are Underway

Nov 06, 2023 - Views: 381

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes

Android's themed icons are now supported by the latest Alpha and Beta versions of the Facebook and Instagram apps for Android. 

This confirms recent rumors that Meta was working on bringing this feature to its app icons years after it was made available across the operating system.

With Android version 12, automatic theming—which included themed icons—was added to the platform. 

Thanks to this feature, you can extract the key colors from your wallpaper and use them throughout the interface for a cleaner, more unified design.

Facebook and Instagram are testing themed icons for Android apps

Facebook and Instagram are testing themed icons for Android apps

Eight color schemes were available at first, but with Android 13, that number increased.

With Android 14, there was even more choice thanks to a monochromatic option. 

Still, there was always one holdout: Meta, even as the adoption increased with well-known app icons.

Thankfully, this is about to change as the Android versions of Facebook and Instagram's icons now allow automated theming in their Beta and Alpha apps.

This means that the stable versions of these apps will probably receive this feature shortly. 

Users of these versions have noticed this, and Mishaal Rahman on X reported it.

This is a significant change in how Meta handles the rollout of new Android functionality.

It is currently available in Instagram versions 307. (beta) and Facebook versions 439. (alpha). 

A new Instagram tablet layout that can be tested right now with a larger screen device like the Google Pixel Fold on Android 14 QPR1 Beta, made this clearer in the recent past.

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Rating:4.6 - 50Votes



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