Police Alert Parents to a New iPhone Function Called NameDrop

Dec 06, 2023 - Views: 293

Rating:4.9 - 50Votes

Following a recent upgrade, certain law enforcement organizations are advising iPhone users to exercise caution.

Over the weekend, the Ohio Middletown Division of Police issued a warning to parents on Facebook regarding the "NameDrop" feature found in the iOS 17 update.

Police warning parents about new iPhone feature

Police warning parents about new iPhone feature

By bringing the devices very close to one another, the functionality makes it simple for users to share their contact information with another iPhone or Apple Watch.

You have the option to exchange or receive the other person's information after the devices have been connected. 

According to Apple, you may also stop the transfer before it's finished by locking your phone or relocating the devices apart.

On its website, the business clarified that NameDrop is only effective for delivering new information; it cannot be used to update contacts that are already on your phone.

"PARENTS: Don’t forget to change these settings on your child’s phone to help keep them safe," the Middletown Division of Police stated on Facebook.

In this regard, there has also been a new warning about Apple iPhone system update from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.

You can read more about that in MySpeed! 

Rating:4.9 - 50Votes



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