iPhone Owners Are Delighted By A Single iOS 17 Animation

Aug 09, 2023 - Views: 995

Rating:4.5 - 51Votes

Users of iPhones have found iOS 17 to be a somewhat incremental version, with headline additions that are great to have but not quite revolutionary. 

One such function is NameDrop, which enables users to share contact information by just putting their phones together. 

However, now that the public beta is available, people are going crazy for its charming animation.

Users can start SharePlay to listen to music, view a movie, or play a game by just putting two iPhones (or an iPhone and Apple view) close together. 

Users can also share material by simply placing two iPhones (or an iPhone and Apple Watch) close together. 

And nothing could be more Apple than the accompanying UI animation. 

A single iOS 17 animation is delighting iPhone users

A single iOS 17 animation is delighting iPhone users

Apple's designers decided to warp the entire top half of the iPhone display rather than just a popup, which results in a mesmerizing ripple effect when data is transferred between devices. 

It is also the feature that early users find to be the most impressive, based on internet comments.

It is indeed refreshing to see something so shamelessly 'extra' in a world of design that is becoming more and more utilitarian. 

Speaking of extra, new Apple patent applications have revealed some very bizarre design ideas, such as turnable laptops and rollable iPhones.

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Rating:4.5 - 51Votes



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