How to Check Verizon Internet Speed - Simple Steps with MySpeed

Nov 02, 2020 - Views: 3143

Rating:5.0 - 50Votes

It just takes you seconds to test my internet speed but what this brings about can go the extra mile.

By doing this, you can know whether the network connection you are using is at the correct speed as committed by the provider, as well as to ensure you have a smooth experience in browsing the Internet.

So how to check Verizon Internet speed?

Keep reading and follow the step-by-step guide I am going to provide.

Test my internet speed fios

Test my internet speed fios

Why should you run an internet speed test?

Before diving into how to check my internet speed, it’s necessary to know why you need to take a speed test.

There is no denying that access to the internet has become a daily job of many people these days. Because of the increasing number of Internet users, internet service providers offer different packages for users to choose from. 

However, some providers, for the sake of revenue, may use old copper connections while others provide you with state-of-the-art fiber connectivity. These, combined with other factors, could negatively affect latency, packet loss, and bandwidth quality.

Test wifi speed online

How can i check my internet speed?

Depending on which task you are performing to know if you need higher quality service (VoIP, video conferencing, or mission-critical applications). 

A common issue is that after registering for the installation of the internet for the first time, you get the fast speed of Internet access but later on, the internet is slow, the network flickers sometimes without knowing the reasons behind it. 

You would not be able to determine whether the slow Internet connection is due to a transmission error or not until you perform a speed check of your internet speed. It’s time to test wifi speed online. This not only helps you know whether the quality of the network connection is worth what you’re paying per month but also gives you the data to refer to when you need to find a supplier. 

After running the test, if you find that the actual usage speed is correct with the speed recorded on the network contract, you can use the service with complete peace of mind. 

If the actual speed is much slower, do you know what to do next? 

Yes, the best way is to contact your network provider to ensure your benefits.

test wifi speed online

How do you check your internet speed

How to check Verizon internet speed

Internet speed is the behind story. In conventional speed tests, throughput is measured while the Internet quality of your connection is often ignored. But, the advent of speed testing tools online helps in dispelling this limitation.

How do i check my internet speed? How to check internet speed on laptop. It’s retty simple. I use to speed test my internet on any device with ease. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to test my internet speed:

Step 1: Access the address Next, click on the Go button to start running speed check for internet.

Step 2: Once the test is done, you will see the results of download speed, upload speed, and ping as below:

Speed check for internet

How to check internet speed on iphone

A speed test will first test the download speed, next is to test the upload speed and then ping.

After Click on the “Results” button at the bottom right, you’ll see the history of the test that you have done with the specific information of the time, dates, and key metrics. How awesome!

Speed check for internet

 Click on “Settings” if you want to know the speed test results of o specific time and date.

Speed check for internet

You will get accurate results of the upload speed, download speed, and ping parameters. 

These metrics let you know whether your actual Internet speed matches with what is committed by the network provider or not to have proper changes for the best speed performance. 


Test my internet speed verizon

That’s all how I test my internet connection. So simple!

  • Important: During the time I test my speed internet, I stop programs on the computer that are using the Internet. This will ensure the accuracy of the measurement results.

This guide is also applicable for how to check internet speed on mac, how to check internet speed in windows 7, how to check internet speed on ipad, how to check internet speed cox, how to check internet speed on samsung tv.

Apart from Gospeedcheck, I also test my internet speed spectrum and test my internet speed cox on and 

How to check verizon internet speed

How to check verizon internet speed

The advantages of

Apart from accurate internet speed test results, also has many other outstanding advantages as follows: 

  • Free of charge: Every internet user can access this website on their device to test wifi speed online.

  • Simple and easy to use: Designed with a simple interface, the website makes it easy for users to check their network speed.

  • Be able to test the internet connection speed from a wide range of network providers.

  • Extremely fast testing speed and full display of upload, download data, and ping metrics. 

  • Speed test wifi results are displayed visually and easily.

  • Self-detection of server along with the geographical location.

  • The record of different test results for further comparison

Compare internet speed test results

As shown in the second picture above, my internet speed test of Ping is 122ms, Download 78.724Mbps and 5.250 Mbps upload. 

Based on this, I compare with the speed of the package I subscribe to the network to see whether I get what I paid for. I recommend you do this too.  If the download speed has just been checked on is different from the amount that you spend, do not worry too much. You should check again as follows:

  • Time to check wifi speed: We highly recommend you test from 10 pm onwards as the number of users at this time will be less, the results should be more accurate.

  • Distance from your device to server: The further the distance is, the less speed will be compared with the maximum speed of the subscribed package.

My internet connection test results

My internet connection test results

Normally, most Internet providers guarantee to provide an “up to” download and upload speed, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always get 100% speed (unless you use a channel line own Leased Line). Therefore, the speed of return via Gospeedcheck is not too different from the registered package.

If you run a wifi speed test multiple times and the return parameters such as Ping, Download, Upload are much lower than the package registered, your internet connection is having a slow problem. 

The possible reason could derive from your service provider, but it is not the only contributor to the slow connection. You may think of how to improve internet speed, how to improve internet speed on ps4, how to improve internet upload speed, how to improve time warner cable internet speed


We have shared how to check Verizon internet speed regularly as well as the internet speed test website to help you do this effectively. After getting the actual measurement results, you will be able to diagnose the problems that your internet system is facing. If the transmission line is the cause, you can employ the methods mentioned above or call your network provider for support.

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