Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Were Not Accessible in Pakistan for Three Days

May 15, 2023 - Views: 855

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes

Following the release of former primer Imran Khan, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) asserted that Internet connectivity had been restored.

Nonetheless, numerous users have complained of slow or nonexistent Internet connections.

The lack of a clear explanation from the government has left people perplexed and outraged. The PTA spokeswoman denied that the Internet's poor speed was done on purpose.

Even though the PTA claimed to have restored a full Internet connection, many have complained that they are still having trouble using social media and the Internet.

The Internet connection affected social media platforms 

The Internet connection affected social media platforms 

The country was rocked by the arrest of Imran on suspicion of corruption. Following the arrest, there were protests, disputes with law enforcement, and assaults on military targets. 

The interior ministry instructed the PTA to turn off broadband to control the situation, but this had unexpected effects on the nation's economy and way of life.

The limits on mobile Internet services caused the information technology (IT) industry to suffer a terrible loss of Rs. 10 billion, while the telecom sector lost Rs. 2.5 billion in just three days.

Additionally, sources in the telecom sector verified that the government's tax collection decreased by almost Rs 860 million.

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Also read: Starlink Unveiled A Range of Premium Internet Plans

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes



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