What is good internet upload speed? The spec’s essential for YouTubers

Mar 26, 2021 - Views: 4574

Rating:4.8 - 51Votes

To start your Youtube business, you will need a fast internet connection speed. What is good internet upload speed? or more detailed, what is upload speed good for uploading a video? The highest internet plan is the best but sometimes, your data demands do not need too much like that and it wastes money. Today, the article will share some useful information for you to experience a good video uploading process.

What is a good download and upload speed?

What is a good download and upload speed?

Demands of a good internet for YouTuber

What is a good download and upload speed for gaming? What is a good upload speed for streaming? Not only gamers, streamers are concerned about network speed but also Youtubers.

It sounds easy to upload your video on Youtube and in fact, this process occurs simply and quickly if you take notice of some notes about your internet connection below. 

A fast internet connection speed

Owning a fast internet speed is the most-wanted thing for everyone. Online users can do everything with a quick response. However, download speed and upload speeds - the main specs of the connection do not always need to be fast. What is the difference between upload and download speed?

In reality, many internet service providers offer asynchronous service, which means that the download speed is much higher than the upload speed

The reason is that majority of online activities being done through the internet take up a large amount of bandwidth, using download data such as streaming video, video chat, listening to iTunes music, or watching movies on Netflix. 

Get a fast internet speed

Get a fast internet speed

What is an upload speed? In contrast, uploading online activities including sending a document, posting a photo on social networks, etc requires uploading data less. Thus, in your case, you will need a good upload speed. 

Being a Youtuber, you will upload large volumes of content that require you a faster upload speed as well as a faster download speed. Calling your ISP and taking a proper internet plan. 

Reliable network connection

A reliable connection can ensure that your accounts, information is secure. Besides, it assists in keeping you connected and maintaining a connection that allows you to multitask, watch streaming videos, play games, and perform any job that has to be completed.

Is your internet connection reliable? If not, both the download and upload processes are affected. Your download may stop in the middle and your downloading file could be corrupted. You have to redownload again and again. 

Uploading is too. When a Youtube upload internet cut-out occurs, you could find yourself starting the upload again from the beginning.

What is a good upload speed for streaming on Youtube?

What is a good upload speed for streaming on Youtube?

Besides, nowadays, there are a lot of YouTubers doing stream and taking much attention of watchers. The platform Youtube launched this live feature which allows you to stream things on-the-go, however, you will need a very fast and reliable connection network even more so than if you are just uploading. 

Types of uploading files

Furthermore, a Youtuber also will need to pay attention to the types of your uploading files. The size of a file raises exponentially based on the resolution of your video file. For example, the 1080p video is now chosen a lot because it has a moderate resolution, as well as most of the internet connections are afford to upload it smoothly and quickly. 

In contrast, 4K video does exist with high quality, lively images and of course, takes up a much larger amount of bandwidth. Therefore, if the file you want to upload has high resolution and longer video, faster internet will be necessary for this circumstance.

What is a good upload speed Mbps to upload a video?

What is a good upload speed Mbps to upload a video?

Therefore, if the file you want to upload has high resolution and longer video, faster internet will be necessary for this circumstance

MySpeed- a free speed check internet

Before finding the question “what is a good upload internet speed?”, it is better for you to how to check upload speeds. One reliable suggestion of a free speed check internet is MySpeed. 

Do not need to install any software, you still take the results of your current download speed and upload speed of your network with the help of MySpeed. Also, the testing process occurs quickly and takes just a couple of seconds. Follow some simple steps below, you will see its convenience.

  • Step 1: Access the website gospeedcheck.com.

  • Step 2: Click GO on the main interface of the website and wait for the results to appear. 

After a few seconds, the test results will be shown like this: 

Upload download speed test

Upload download speed test

Normally, when reading the results of a speed test website, you will see the 3 main parameters: ping, download speed, and upload speed. Through these 3 numbers, the fully completed picture of your internet connection will be presented to you. 

Ping speed refers to the time a request is sent and returned between your computer and the host. Therefore, the lower the ping is, the better the network is. Gamers pay attention more to this speed because it is considered a key decisional factor of the online gaming experience. 

Download speed refers to the speed at which your internet connection is able to retrieve data from the internet. Activities such as streaming video, watching videos on Youtube/ Netflix, or surfing the web are using download data. 

On the contrary, Upload speeds refer to the speed that your internet connection can allow data to be sent from your devices to the internet. Sending an email, posting a photo on Facebook, or Uploading videos on Youtube will consume upload data. That is why Youtubers focus on upload speed results rather than 2 other parameters. 

For YouTubers, uploading speed is more important

For YouTubers, uploading speed is more important

However, when doing the speed check Wifi, if you want to get the most nearly exact result, you need to make sure:

  • Turn off any downloads or uploads you have going on your system (bandwidth-hogging of your connection)

  • Deactivate your VPN software for the duration of the test

  • Conduct the speed test internet at least twice a day at different times and then take an average result

  • Turn off unnecessary programs, background taking up bandwidth

  • Reboot the router to give the objective performance result

  • Turn off unused multiple devices connecting to the network

Turn off VPN before running a speed test

Turn off VPN before running a speed test

What is good internet upload speed?

Now, knowing some reasons you need a good internet as well as conducting a reliable speed check Internet, let’s dive into the question “what is a good upload speed?”.

As mentioned above, your internet connection speed is a factor deciding how fast your uploads go. You can be exhausted for many hours waiting to upload a large video file if your network connection is really poor. 

That time, you will really want to own a faster internet service because it will just take only a few minutes. You would probably have trouble such as dropped connections and failed video uploads when your upload speed lasts longer.

What is good download and upload speed for gaming? What upload speed do I need to stream? Is it the same with What is a good internet upload speed for 1080p video, 4K video? 

According to box cast, the recommended upload speed for the 480p resolution video is 3 Mbps, followed by the 720p video with 6Mbps. If you film a video at 1080p resolution, both wired connection and wireless connection is advised to be at least 13 Mbps to upload it on Youtube with good quality. 

The table recommended upload speed on Youtube ( data from Box Cast)

The table recommended upload speed on Youtube ( data from Box Cast)

What is a fast upload speed?

An upload speed up to 10 Mbps is generally considered fast internet speed. It is believed that with this speed, you can easily handle common activities without interruption. Fortunately, most ISPs provide users with fast upload speeds even the lowest internet package. 

Some common internet plans of common ISP 

Some common internet plans of common ISP 

How about your network connection? Is it just good or fast rate? If MySpeed shows the result of your internet speed at 25 Mbps, you are able to upload your  30-minute video on Youtube in about 10 minutes in an ideal condition. However, in crowded residential areas, this can be difficult to be true. 

If your internet speed is only 2.5 Mbps uploaded, then your upload takes much longer. For YouTube videos, they need to care about upload speed more than download speed because they use to upload data to develop their channel. 

What is good upload speed for internet for the best online streaming, it is recommended that your network connection should be at least 25 Mbps of uploadd speed. However, basic video streaming can be achieved with as low as 7 Mbps if there are not multiple users connected to the same network at the same time.

In previous articles, we also mention “What is good upload speed for streaming” or “what is good upload speed for gaming”. If you want to find out, visit MySpeed. 

Key Takeaways

What is a good upload speed for internet?

What is a good upload speed for internet?

  • Your internet connection speed is a factor deciding how fast your uploads go but your download speed controls how quickly you watch videos.

  • It is necessary for YouTubers to have a faster upload speed with the purpose of uploading YouTube videos quickly and producing live streams.

  • The faster your upload speed, the more reliable your uploads will be. Your file uploading process can be corrupted and reuploaded again and again if having slow internet speeds. 

  • Although there are a lot of easy ways you can do to upgrade your internet performance, improve your video uploading speed, you ultimately want to upgrade to fast internet services with a higher internet plan. 

  • What is a good upload speed for internet? An internet service that offers you at least 2 Mbps upload speed is ideal. This will be a plus that you can upload your videos quickly and get them up for your followers! Consistent posting is the most important part of running a YouTube channel.Upload speed of at least 2 Mbps is ideal for all

Upload speed of at least 2 Mbps is ideal for all

The bottom line

As you see, just interesting Youtube contents are not enough for you to become a hot Youtuber. You also need a fast internet connection speed to upload high-quality videos on Youtube in a short time if you do not want to waste time and money due to poor network performance. What is a fast upload speed? it is recommended that at least 25 Mbps speed is ideal for you - a potential Youtuber.

Rating:4.8 - 51Votes



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