Tabernash May Soon Have Faster Internet Speeds

Oct 16, 2023 - Views: 705

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Comcast representatives recently attended a Grand County Board of County Commissioners meeting to request assistance in enhancing Tabernash's internet infrastructure.

Currently, Comcast provides Grand County with service to over 15,000 people. The majority of these customers live in the communities of Grand Lake, Fraser, Kremmling, Winter Park, Granby, and Hot Sulphur Springs.

Along with internet access, these businesses also offer video, mobile, and home security services.

Faster internet speeds could be coming to Tabernash

Faster internet speeds could be coming to Tabernash

Comcast representatives identified almost 1,400 underserved homes and businesses in a presentation to the Grand County commissioners. 

Although it is not available to many Tabernash people, fiber internet is regarded as one of the most dependable types of internet service.

Fiber would be available in the Tabernash area thanks to the Comcast project.

It can be costly and time-consuming to construct fiber optic lines in some locations. 

Fiber optic cables are usually buried underground, and building these networks costs between $1,000 and $1,250 per residential residence or between $60,000 and $80,000 per mile on average.

Read more: Gaza Strip Is Facing Internet Disruptions and Power Outages

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