iPhone Owners May Trial AT&T Using eSIM for FREE for 30 Days

Oct 23, 2024 - Views: 151

Rating:4.6 - 50Votes

AT&T has a new deal for the iPhone XR, and newer customers are wanting to try a different Internet carrier. Get a 30-day free trial that includes unlimited calls and texts, 100GB of data, and more.

If you are fed up with dropped calls and inconsistent internet connection, it's time to make a change. While eSIM technology isn't new, it's becoming increasingly widespread, especially after Apple removed the actual SIM slot from iPhone 14.

AT&T hopes to entice new customers with a free trial designed for iPhone users. You can try AT&T service for free for 30 days by downloading the myAT&T app or visiting the AT&T website.

iPhone users may trial AT&T using Esim for free for 30 days

iPhone users may trial AT&T using Esim for free for 30 days

It is a no-obligation trial that does not need credit card information or any other commitments. Customers can cancel or switch at any time throughout the trial period.

AT&T's free trial includes unlimited talk and text, 100GB of data, a 25GB personal hotspot, and access to the AT&T 5G network. AT&T is the only carrier that includes a hotspot in its trial.

The trial is only accessible to iPhone owners who have an iPhone XR or later. An Android experiment will begin in 2025.

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Rating:4.6 - 50Votes



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