CloudWyze boosts coverage of its high-speed fiber network in Nash County, N.C. to close the digital divide

May 12, 2023 - Views: 911

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes

CloudWyze's fiber Internet service was first made available to more than 2,500 homes in November 2022 in Nashville, North Carolina. 

The service soon attracted hundreds of new subscribers. 

More than 1,300 new homes and businesses in the eastern part of Nashville and the western section of Rocky Mount will now have access to dependable high-speed fiber Internet thanks to the most recent extension from CloudWyze. 

It includes those close to Old Carriage Road, Oak Level Road, and Eastern Avenue.

CloudWyze provides high-speed Internet solutions and technology support

CloudWyze provides high-speed Internet solutions and technology support

According to Patsy McGhee, the assistant to the county manager in Nash County, "Nash County keeps on expanding high-speed Internet into rural areas through a public-private partnership with CloudWyze." 

"Although the private investment by CloudWyze is additionally being utilized in these areas, it has also been expanded to cover a larger fiber build in and around Nashville, creating competition to benefit the residents and businesses in those areas."

In order to offer fixed wireless Internet service to numerous locations in the county, namely Red Oak, Momeyer, Middlesex, Spring Hope, and Bailey, Nash County and CloudWyze formed a public-private partnership in 2018. Since then, fiber Internet has been added to the project's scope.

"For us, the goal has always gone beyond just offering the Internet," said Shaun Olsen, founder, and CEO of CloudWyze. 

"Quality access supported by excellent relationships is a driver for the growth and success of these communities. "

"A dependable Internet connection makes it possible for students to learn from a distance, for companies to access vital information, for patients to use telemedicine, for grandparents to make video calls to their grandkids, and for many other things. 

Connectivity is now a must, not a luxury."

Rating:4.8 - 50Votes



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