What does upload speed mean on your internet speed tests?

Apr 29, 2022 - Views: 4448

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Mbps upload speed is an indispensable part of internet speed test results, along with ping rate (latency) and download speed. So have you ever wondered what does download and upload speed mean and the difference between them? What is considered a good upload speed? And what is upload speed used for?

Fast internet connections

Some first words

Well, it’s supposed that download speed is more important than upload speed since the vast majority of activities we do depend on it; however, as increasing numbers of things involve uploading large data amounts, upload speeds also do matter to our internet experiences. 

Now, let’s start learning basic things concerning upload speed so that you will better understand the results of your internet speed tests.

Multiple devices connected to the internet

What does upload speed mean?

Upload speed is the rate at which the data from your devices (PC, smartphone, or others) can be sent to the internet. That’s “what is the upload speed”.

Anytime you need to send files, share photos, upload videos, and more, you use the upload bandwidth and upload speed of your internet connection. 

It’s worth noting that upload speed is the opposite of download speed, which refers to the rate at which your devices can receive the data transferred from the internet. 

That’s “what does upload and download speed mean” and the basic difference between them.

What is upload speed measured in?

Just like download speed, the internet upload speed is measured in Mbps, which stands for Megabits per second (not Megabytes per second - MBps).

The higher the Mbps value you see in your upload speed results, the faster the speed, and the better the connection. 

Faster internet speeds for uploading mean you can share files, upload videos, etc quicker. 

A sluggish upload speed may result in hours of waiting for your large files to be fully uploaded. Next, let’s find out “what does upload speed do”.


Upload speed and its importance

As mentioned previously, your upload speed is used whenever you send or upload data to the internet. 

Do you know that even for activities mainly involving downloading, we need to upload data, too? Yep, that’s true. When you browse websites, watch videos on YouTube, stream music, and more, you also upload data, but the amount of data used is often too small. 

However, when it comes to activities involving uploading large amounts of data such as live streaming, posting videos on YouTube, uploading files to cloud storage, and so on, fast upload means almost everything. 

In addition, upload speed also matters to video calls and online games. Unstable and slow upload speeds are among the common causes for frozen screens and broken audio on Skype or Zoom.

High-speed internet

What is a good upload speed in a speed test result?

What is considered a good speed on your upload speed test results can vary. It depends on several factors, including the number of devices using your connection and what activities you engage in. 

For example, according to restream.io, the upload speeds recommended for broadcasting live videos on YouTube are between roughly 2-5 Mbps (for 720p video at 30 fps) and up to 24.2-61.5 Mbps (for 4k video at 60 fps), depending on the video quality that you opt for. 

What’s about making calls on Skype and Zoom? Well, Skype recommends an upload speed of at least 100 Kbps for calling and 512 Kbps for video chats in groups. Meanwhile, Zoom requires a minimum upload speed of 600 Kbps for 1:1 video calling and up to 3.8 Mbps for video group calling in 1080p HD. 

For online gaming, the upload speed of at least 1–2Mbps seems okay. 

What is a decent upload speed, as you can see, varies. So, simply put, as long as your upload speeds are adequate for your online activities, they are considered good for you.

Faster internet speeds

Closing thoughts

Now, you know “what is upload and download speed mean” and how different they are, right? Also, it’s worth emphasizing that upload speeds mean a lot for activities requiring uploading large data amounts. These days, good upload speeds tend to be more crucial to many internet users. Do you know that internet service providers (ISPs) now offer symmetrical internet connections, which provide users with exactly equal download and upload speeds? Yep, symmetrical internet is a fantastic option for those who often perform online activities involving sending or uploading a lot of data. Upcoming posts will be about “what are normal upload and download speeds” and “what upload speed do i need for Zoom”, check out if you find them interesting!

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