How to Make a Fake Hand for Halloween Decór? 4 Effortless DIY Methods

Jul 29, 2024 - Views: 344

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For many years, Halloween has been one of the most popular holidays! 

And among the most important parts of the occasion is making your own DIY Halloween crafts. For the perfect Halloween ambiance, people make some very awful crafts, décor items, and horrible clothes!

You will learn how to make a fake hand in this post so you can have some awesome Halloween décor in your house. Look it over right now!

How to make fake hands for Halloween?How to make fake hands for Halloween?

How to Make a Fake Hand from Clay?

What You’ll Need

  • Clay

  • A scalpel

  • A cylindrical object (pencil, paintbrush handle, etc.)



Step 1: Form a cylinder out of a lump of clay

Form a clay cylinder roughly the same size as the hand you wish to make. Rounded off both ends to prevent any sharp edges. 

Following that, carefully flatten the clay using your fingertips or a rolling pin. For your fake hand, smooth the clay to the appropriate thickness.

Step 2: Shape your wrist and thumb

Form the thumb and wrist

Form the thumb and wrist

Imagine your clay as a hand that is facing you, fingers straight and squeezed together, including the thumb, with the palm facing up. Remove just enough clay from one side so that it looks like a thumb, taking care not to break it off from the rest of the clay. 

Then, form the wrist. Just below the ball of its thumb, make an indent in the clay at the base of its palm.

Step 3: Indent the palm

Use your fingers or a tiny cylindrical object (pencil, paintbrush handle, etc.) to indent the clay along its thumb. 

Place the tool's tip in the middle of your palm and put it lengthwise on the clay's surface, angled in the direction of your wrist. To make an imprint, gently roll or worm it.

Indent the palm

Indent the palm

Step 4: Separate the thumb & indent the palm again

Remove extra clay from the rest of the hand and detach the thumb, leaving its base intact, to make it appear like a real thumb extending from its hand. Round it into the form of a thumb.

At the junction of the finger bases, lay your tool over the palm now. Moreover, indent along the thumb and wrist as earlier to redefine the imprints.

Step 5: Separate the fingers

Separate the finger

Separate the finger

Using a scalpel, cut between each finger, being careful to keep the base of each intact to the palm. Cut off the tips of each finger to trim it. 

Use a needle to go up and down each finger to widen the wounds apart. Move slowly and with caution.

Step 6: Form the fingers

Roll them between your own fingers gently to round them off. Make sure no finger is too thick or thin by noting the thickness of each one. If you want them to be longer, extend them. 

The fingertips should then be shaped and any excess removed.

Form the finger

Form the finger

Step 7: Indent the fingers’ joints & form the knuckles

Use a small, thin, cylindrical item to generate a very light impression for each finger joint. The likelihood that a really sharp depression will shatter your finger here increases with the size of the sculpture.

Next, flip your fictitious hand over and start manipulating its back. Place little clay spheres on the tips of your fingers. Press them carefully into place until they are seamless.

Form the knuckles

Form the knuckles

Step 8: Finish the wrist

Maintain the wrist indent along the back of the hand to mimic the front. Next, trim a little layer of clay from the back of the hand, slightly above the wrist, to give the impression of greater shape.

How to Make a Fake Hand from a Paper Plate?

What You’ll Need

  • A paper plate

  • A pencil

  • A scissor

  • Plastic straws

  • A glue

  • Strings

  • Tape



Step 1: Trace your hand on a paper plate

As if you were ready to serve meals, set the paper plate face up on a flat surface. Spread your fingers and place your hand in the center of the platter, palm down. Using a pencil, trace all over your hand.

Trace your hand on the paper plate

Trace your hand on the paper plate

Step 2: Cut out your fake hand

Do your best to adhere to your outline. Starting at the bottom, work your way up toward the thumb, across the fingers, and back down along the pinky side of your fake hand.

Step 3: Cut plastic straws into pieces

Cut plastic straws into pieces

Cut plastic straws into pieces

To make your hand flex and come to life, cut 19 pieces, each measuring between one and two inches in length, for each hand.

Grasp the straw between your thumb and index finger, then use your scissors to cut a little "v" out of the center.

Step 4: Mark your joints

Using a pencil, mark where each joint is on the fingers of the plate. Then, draw a line that crosses your thumb at the base of your palm about an inch above the place where your pinkie joins it, roughly.

Step 5: Glue your straw pieces to the hand

Glue your straw pieces to the hand

Glue your straw pieces to the hand

Put two straw segments between each joint and one between the tip of the finger and the last joint on each finger. 

Moreover, place one between the two joints and another between the thumb's tip and its last joint. The line that spans the palm should have five more spaces added. 

Let the glue dry and sit for about 30 minutes.

Step 6: Thread string through the straw pieces in each finger

Thread string through the straw pieces in each finger

Thread string through the straw pieces in each finger

Attach the thread to the tips of each finger with a piece of tape. Put it through the straws and through the wrist. To make sure you have enough, cut the string around four inches past the wrist.

Step 7: Finish your fake hand

Pull each finger individually to make sure it works, then all at once for maximum effect. For added realism, you could pack it with tissues and cover it with a rubber glove.

How to make fake hands from a paper plate?

How to make fake hands from a paper plate?

More to explore:

How to Make a Fake Hand from Latex Gloves?

What You’ll Need

  • Latex gloves

  • Sand

  • Zip tie or rubber band

  • Tape

  • Hot glue or plaster (optional)

  • Acrylic or latex paint

  • Paintbrush

  • Sealant



Step 1: Fill the gloves with sand

Fill the gloves with sand

Fill the gloves with sand

As you gently pour the sand into the latex glove, make sure you measure it correctly as well as each finger is plump and that no area is overfilled. Remember to provide space for the glove's end to be fastened.

Step 2: Tie & seal the latex gloves

It might be difficult to knot a glove's end without ripping the latex. You may use a zip tie or a rubber band. Once the closure is securely in place, cover it with a piece of tape.

Step 3: Decorate your fake hand

How to make fake hands with gloves?

How to make fake hands with gloves?

Excellent surfaces for acrylic and latex paint applications include cloth, duct tape, latex gloves, and other items. Remember to apply a coat of weatherproof sealant to the item if you want to use it outside.

How to Make a Fake Hand with Plaster?

What You’ll Need

  • Rubber mold

  • Plaster

  • A container

  • A plastic knife

  • Water

  • A file or sandpaper

  • Acrylic paint (optional)



Step 1: Mix a batch of rubber mold

Make enough to suit your hand perfectly. Guarantee that the container you choose is large so that your hand does not touch the container.

Step 2: Soak your hand in warm water & let the mold to set

Place your thumb and fingers where you want them. Following that, submerge your hand all the way into the mold, taking care to keep it away from the sides and bottom and to leave at least 0.5 inches of mold separating it from the container.

Immerse your hand in warm water

Immerse your hand in warm water

Hold your hand within the mold for whatever long the instructions say it needs to be set. Remove slowly and steadily. Steer clear of any sudden or jerky movements that might disrupt the cast you just finished.

Step 3: Mix a batch of plaster

Prepare enough to completely fill the mold. Then pour some of your plaster into the mold. Squeeze the mold until plaster coats the insides of the thumb and finger holes. Allow time for the plaster to settle in order to avoid air pockets developing.

Let the mold be filled completely now. Bang the table a few times to release any air pockets and stop when there are no more bubbles popping on the surface.

Mix a batch of plaster

Mix a batch of plaster

Step 4: Let the plaster set

Hold off until the time the plaster's instructions say to. After that, turn the container over and empty the contents onto the table. With a plastic knife, gently cut the rubber mold, and then take each piece out of the plaster cast.

Step 5: Clean the plaster cast

Look for any imperfections in the rubber mold where empty space might have allowed extra plaster to leak through. Remove carefully with sandpaper or a file. Following that, you can choose to paint your finished cast or leave it unpainted.

Finish the plaster cast

Finish the plaster cast


You should now understand how to make a fake hand for a Halloween decoration. Ultimately, a fake hand is an excellent option for any type of prop, whether it's a costume for your forthcoming Halloween celebration or an elementary science project concept. You may use it to scare guests by putting them in strange places or narrating a terrible story!

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